König w/ a Mommy Kink

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Warnings: 18+, mommy kink, breeding kink, kinda submissive König, mention of plugs, smut, pet names, Fem Reader, etc.

This is in my brain. I'm now making it your problem.

♡ There's nothing in this man's history to suggest parental issues, but I can definitely see him having a mommy kink.

♡ When he's in a subby mood, he'll beg you to ride him

♡ something about seeing you on top makes him weak

♡ The first time you discovered König mommy kink was completely accidental: you'd managed to hit his sweet spot and, reduced to a moaning mess, König yelled, clear as day, something obscene.

♡ "M-Mommy !"

♡ You didn't realise what it was at the time, assuming it was unintelligible or not what you thought you'd heard, but you'd never heard this before -- this tone --, regardless of context.

♡ You stopped bouncing on him, your hands on his chest, and leaned down to him.

♡ "What was that, baby?"

♡ König didn't reply, his face flushed with either exasperation or embarrasment - it was impossible to tell.

♡ When you came to realise he wasn't going to talk, you slid a hand up his throat and gripped his jaw, forcing him to look at you.

♡ "I said, what was that?"

♡ König eyes couldn't meet yours, eyes settling somewhere on your chest instead.

♡ "Mommy," he said, voice low, quiet. He swallowed, feeling you weren't going to let up.

♡ Your heart jumped in your chest, like you'd discovered an island no one else had.

♡ König couldn't say a thing, worried he'd frightened you off with his...particular interests.

♡ Instead, you smiled, releasing his jaw and returning to his chest.

♡ "Alright," you said softly, half-lidded gaze making König weak with anticipation.

♡ "I'll take care of you, baby. You gonna let me do that?"

♡ König couldn't get the words out quick enough, a stream of hasty 'yes's falling from him.

♡ After that initial discovery, you teased König for his mommy kink.

♡ Any chance you got - you were relentless.

♡ "König, sweetie, can you come and help mommy out in the kitchen?"

♡ "Sure thi- wait...what did you say?"

♡ And his face would break out in a contained blush each time.

♡ You knew when to stop, though; you weren't a monster.

♡ Whenever you were topping, you'd call him "baby boy,"; "baby,"; "sweetie," - things like that.

♡ And he'd whine and moan every time.

♡ "You gonna cum for me, baby?"

♡ "Y-yes, Mommy..."

♡ One night, you asked him if he wanted you to breastfeed you.

♡ You had no milk in you, obviously, but that didn't stop König.

♡ While he sucked on you, you stroked his hair, calling him a "good boy," - telling him how you'd "have to let you put a baby in me someday,"

♡ His eyes lit up at that.

♡ And then you unearthed his breeding kink.

♡ He loves you, wants to possess you in ways nobody else can, and to have something he literally put inside you was, in his eyes, the best way to do it.

♡ Calls you Mommy  when he's trying to breed you, though for a different reason.

♡ "You'll be such a good mother to our children, my love," he'd say, panting as he slammed into you.

♡ He wouldn't leave until he knew you were satisfied and full.

♡ And my god, this man won't stop until you're passed out beneath him, unable to take any more of him, his cum leaking out of you.

♡ Is the type to plug you, either with his cock or an actual plug.

♡ Won't let you take it out. It's staying.

♡ Can get a bit dominant when you disobey him.

♡ "Did I say you could do that, baby?"

♡ Transitions into a daddy kink.

♡ This man's transitioning through the kink spectrum fr.

♡ When he's topping, he'll make you call him daddy.

♡ Gives him a feeling of power.

♡ If you want some more dominant König, read .

♡ Overall, you just make him feel s safe, so loved - he could scarcely think of any other name to call you except mutter (though, of course, not exactly appropriate in an every day context).

♡ He loves you more than absolutely anything, and there are no limits as to what he would do for you.


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