MW2 Reaction to Receiving a Special™ Photo from Their S/O

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Warnings: 18+ (just to be safe), Non-Specific/Explicit Implications of Smut, No Pronouns used for Reader except 'You', Singular Mention of Graves Throwing Himself off a Cliff, Dominant! MW2, Submissive! MW2, Dominant! Reader, Submissive! Reader, Profanity, etc.


♡ He will literally stare bug-eyed at the picture you've sent him like 👀

♡ Since it's a physical photograph, he keeps it on him like a chapstick, which is to say all the time,

♡ He isn't risking ANYONE besides himself seeing it.

♡ And when he's about to embark on a mission, he keeps it tucked into his vest right where his heart is so that it's practically part of him.

♡ He likes to think that, somehow, you can hear – feel – his heart beating, know that he's still alive and fighting so that he can come home and see you.

♡ And when he returns from a mission and goes to his quarters, he has some...alone time.

♡ You know, to really study the picture.

♡ Not that he doesn't know every curve and edge of your body already.

♡ But that doesn't stop him growling your name into the pillow as he rocks against it, a hole cut into the bottom of it – a poor imitation of you.

♡ A makeshift lover.

♡ If anyone ends up seeing that picture – if they stole it from him, if by some act of God (because that's what it'll take) it slipped out of his vest or pocket – they are in for a World of Pain™.

♡ There won't be a time they won't flinch upon hearing Ghost's name, or when they see his shadow like an omen on the wall as he commandeers the halls. Prowling.

♡ He'd feel pretty guilty about someone else seeing you how he does, even if it was only for a fraction of a second.

♡ So he's definitely going to make it up to you when he gets back <3


♡ His heart can't take this kind of torment.

♡ He'll be looking down at his phone, the image of you burning into his skin like a holy artefact.

♡ He definitely gets more jumpy around people when he has his phone on him.

♡ Will literally clam up and shove it into the deepest recesses of his pocket if someone comes too close.

♡ Even when your picture is safely stored behind a password-protected photo album.

♡ He has to excuse himself from training or other commitments whenever his mind wanders back to you, and subsequently that image (which is basically all the time).

♡ Sometimes he calls you while he's sorting himself out.

♡ He just needs to hear your voice – to feel closer to you.

♡ It's the only way he can finish.

♡ "Engel," he rasps, his breath stuttering, "I need you,"

♡ And everyone just looks at him like he's grown a third eye when he returns because, unbeknownst to him, König can't keep quiet, and everyone who has never heard even a peep from him is suddenly aware of the carnality that lies beneath his skin, wired into his soul.

♡ And at the centre is his love for you, boundless and overflowing so that the rest of his teammates know it, too.

♡ Not that they mind all too much.

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