Things Simon Loves About You

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Warnings: Fluff <3, Cosy Headcanons, Simon Being a Hypothetical Animal Crossing Enthusiast, Jealous! Simon :3, Simon Being the Best Boyfriend, Spoilers for Simon's Backstory, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except 'You'.

♡ He's secretly enamoured with the way you'll gently pluck a fallen eyelash from his face and tell him to make a wish on it. The first time it happened, you had to explain to him what this odd ritual meant, what it entailed. You shushed him before he tried to make his wish out loud, telling him with haste that it won't come true if he told you what it was. When he blew the eyelash from your fingertip, all he could do was look at you and think: 'but it already came true'.

♡ Though it initially worried him, he loves that you go to sleep late — especially when he finds you zonked out on the sofa, TV on, remnants of your midnight snack escapade scattered across the coffee table. It means he has an excuse to pick you up and bring you to bed, holding you close to him all the while. Most nights, he just stares at you, watching you, wondering how he got so lucky to even have someone exist in the same house with, never mind you.

♡ Nobody likes arguments — especially Simon. Having grown up in an abusive household, they were commonplace in some form or another. But, when he argues with you, he knows that it can easily be fixed. Especially if it's over something minimal like laundry or cleaning — it gives him the excuse to seek you out and utilise his ultimate love languages: gift-giving and physical touch. Sure, he'll give you a quiet, verbal apology, too, but his efforts shine through in the way he opens himself up to you, pulling you into a warm hug and not letting you go for as long as you'll let him.

♡ He loves the nicknames you give him: especially the funny ones. You've called him Semen Demon before now — completely unprompted. He couldn't help but give a deep chuckle, saying "What are you like," before turning back to what he was doing. This worked a competition between the two of you to see who could create the most cursed nickname for the other.

♡ It's still going on 'til this day.

♡ He lives for the inside jokes the two of you have, like a dialect only you know. It makes him feel like he's truly part of something... normal. Sure, he has the 141, by they are bound in the blood of their profession, not by the sanctity of love. Not the kind of love you two have. He loves it even more when everyone else looks confused when you mark a reference onto you two understand; it makes him feel like you're talking to him and only him. For the first time, he feels like someone sees him.

♡ He loves when you listen to his music suggestions. It makes him feel like his opinion matters — like what he says matters.

♡ He loves the music you listen to, too. Not even because he likes the songs themselves, but because he knows, somewhere between their instruments and vocals, you have found enjoyment, like a coveted treasure. And that's what brings him enjoyment when listening to them.

♡ Simon's always been a light sleeper. A trick he learned in childhood. So when you prod him awake to spill your thoughts to him, he's immediately all ears. And he loves everything you say, no matter how banal or nonsensical. Even when you tell him your worries, his heart swells with the fact that you trust him enough with your perils. That you think, even for a second, that maybe he can fix them.

♡ And he would. Before time can catch him, he'll do whatever it takes to ease your worries, to destroy them.

♡ He loves that he gets to show you off to the 141 — like a child with an arts and crafts project. He's a secretive man, but he won't hesitate to make light of the fact that his partner is absolutely stunning, intelligent, hilarious, loyal, understanding—

♡ You see where this is going.

♡ He even loves how jealous they all look when they see you wearing one of his shirts in all your unfiltered glory, wishing them a good night while you bid Simon his own – a special one. A kiss. Just on the forehead. But a kiss all the same.

♡ He's dazed for the rest of the evening, trying to hurry his friends uut the door so he can come to bed and see you.

♡ Lazy morning cuddles !!!!!

♡ He's recently gotten into video games because of you, too.

♡ Secretly a big fan of Animal Crossing. He absolutely would have been one of those people to try and buy Raymond from anyone willing to sell him back in 2020 .

♡ Likes any games that are life simulators. Simple ones — free of life's stresses.

♡ Loves Harvest Moon. And the Sims (Sims 2 is his favourite).

♡ Although, when he found out you can romance other characters, he felt a bit bad because he felt like it would be cheating on you. Until he found out that you were already leading many a double life on those same games. The moment he found out you'd been romancing a collection of pixels and shapes, he picked you up, slung you over his shoulder and dragged you to the bedroom to "Teach you a lesson."

♡ All in all, domestic life with you is better than anything Simon could have hoped for. So long as you're with him, he's living a life he's only ever dreamt of. And so help the person who tries to wake him.


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