Vampire König Headcanons

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Warnings: Nondescript Depictions/Implications of Smut, Territorial König, Jealous König, Dominant König, Submissive König, Domestic König <3, Marking, Consensual Dub-Con, Restraints, Abuse of Vampire Powers, Feeding, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Injuries, König using Urban Dictionary, Petnames, No Pronouns used for Reader except 'You'.

♡ So domestic that it hurts.

♡ 6'10 military vampire boyfriend in a pink frilly kitchen apron that says 'Love, Peace and Hope' on the front of it >>>>

♡ Seriously, though, he's the most caring of his kind (if you exclude Simon) and is so gentle and loving that you could scarcely believe what he was until he showed you his fangs and his abilities.

♡ Don't be fooled by his kind nature, though; he's given you more protection than you'll ever need with his scary dog privileges. Ones which ward off humans and other supernaturals alike.

♡ And, given how tall he is, you don't see the death stares he gives to bystanders; all you see is a path being cleared in front of you, people scrambling out of your way in what you may construe as consideration. Or terror.

♡ Speaking of König's gargantuan proportions, he needs more blood to survive than the average vampire. More than you, or any other human, can possibly provide.

♡ Luckily, he only feeds from animals. Mostly.

♡ Their taste is not as exquisite as human blood, not being as clean by comparison (particularly in pests, like rats), but he makes do. Especially when it's for your own safety; to protect you from his blood rage when he hits a drought.

♡ But, regardless of his masterful self-control, there comes a point where his palette can no longer stand the taste of disease and death in his blood supply, his thirst becoming so dire that he needs human blood. Now.

♡ The first time you saw him like this, you panicked, asked what was wrong.

♡ He told you he was fine as he gripped the kitchen counter, crushing the marble – that he just needed to go to sleep, giving a vague smile and no explanation.

♡ It was only after being grilled and your concern melting his resolve that König's resolution gave out, and he confessed his greatest shame. His strongest vice.

♡ And, without knowing how dangerous he could get while feeding, you, in all your kindness and virtue, offered yourself to him.

♡ "I know it's not much, but I can try to find you something else for you, too !"

♡ Never has a human who has known of his true nature been so selfless as to put their life on the line for his own survival.

♡ Long story short, he eventually caved to your generosity and, when he tasted your blood, knew there was no finer delicacy he could tear from any planet in any universe.

♡ You are the only one for him.

♡ In return, he'll try to cook and care for you. And, surprisingly, he's pretty good at it !

♡ Has all your favourite dishes memorised. Whether you told him or not.

♡ He tries not to use his mind reading abilities on you, though sometimes, it slips out, hence he knows so much about you despite you never having uttered the specifics to him.

♡ Whenever he's feeling fragile (jealous) about you liking an actor or a character you're watching, he'll use his powers to ever so slightly see what you'd like to do with them.

♡ Or what you'd like them to do to you.

♡ This often leads to some very specific practices occurring in the bedroom.

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