Breeding König

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Warnings: 18+, Riding, Breeding Kink, Consensual Forced Breeding (male receiving), Consensual Dub Con/Non Con, Stomach Bulging/Swelling, Unprotected Sex, Spitting, Fem Reader, Dirty Talk, Brief Slut Shaming, Sub König, Top Reader, etc.

"'M gonna suck you dry, baby," your breath hitched as you rolled your hips against König's, his cock bulging inside you. He could only whine, moaning when you hit a sensitive spot, only for you to abuse it, driving him to the verge of tears. Driving him to an end he'd come to fear.

"And you know what else?" You leaned down and grasped König's thick neck in your hands, squeezing just the right spot to make his back arch and his eyes squeeze shut. He was completely physically incapable of stopping you, his hands bound together against the bedpost with rope, his voice unusable. You smiled, rocking against him, feeling him twitch inside you.

He was close. And so were you.

König's eye fluttered open, watching you. He wanted to know your secret. Your obscurity.

You bent down, bringing your mouth close to his ear. Your breath scorched the shell, making him shiver, goosebumps rippling across his chest. His laboured breathing was amplified as you drew closer.

"I'm gonna make you a daddy."

His eyes snapped open. He shook his head, growing harsher as your statement sank in, muffled noises barely sneaking past the duct tape you'd slapped across his lips. He began thrashing, trying to disconnect his hips from yours, trying to pull out.

But you didn't let him.

Retracting, you looked down at him, gripping the covers beneath him and creating makeshift reigns with which you kept yourself stable, kept König inside you. All the while, the panic in his brow only deepened.

"It's too late to resist, köni," you sang, giving him false hope as you lifted yourself up off his cock before slamming back down onto it, making him moan in a way that betrayed his actions - his resistance. He stared at you beneath ginger, half-lidded eyes, mere cracks of their whole circumference. And you smiled.

You slammed down on him again, hands settling on his chest. Pushing him down. Keeping him docile. "I know you want this, you whore."

König shook his head, vehement in his denial, but you disregarded it. It was of little importance to you. You revisited your killing pace, lifting and dropping yourself on his dick with haste. Electricity pooled in your core, waiting to break at any second.

"You're gonna father my children whether you like it or not--" you gasped as you hit your sweet spot. König only seemed to grow more panicked, eyes widening, brow creasing. Resistance futile.

"My pretty little house husband, all mine. I'll harvest you - breed you - as much as I like--" you took his jaw in your hand and forced him to look at you. You spat on him, making him flinch. "And there's nothing you can do about it."

König moaned, loud and long, his back arching into your hips, plugging you with his cock. You groaned, a sliver of a moan slipping from you, as you threw your head back, reaching your climax. König's load filled you - all of you - to the point that you were sure your stomach would swell.

As your orgasm rolled through you, König shifted through the haze, still trying to retreat from you - trying to retreat from a future you forced onto him.

You would have applauded him for breaking free of the throws of his orgasm had you not been a disciplinarian.

"Oh no you don't," you declared, gaze coming to settle on Konig's frozen, petrified features. He ceased under your stare like a deer caught in headlights, or prey before its predator. You bit your lip as you took his throat in your hands again.

"We're not done here until I'm stuffed so full of your cum that I look pregnant." You squeezed. "Isn't that what you want, hmm? To make you mine? To bear your children?"

You already knew the answer whether König accepted it or not. He could only look up at you, eyes glassy with tears, mourning the fate you'd resigned him to - the future you'd stolen from him. You leaned down and licked a stray tear off his cheek. Rising, you cocked your head.

"Now then," you said, rubbing not-so-soothing circles into König's chest, "shall we go again?"


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