Yandere Simon "Ghost" Riley Headcanons

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Summary: You were just a civilian caught in the crossfire, kidnapped by a cartel and held prisoner. And now, after being rescued by Ghost, you may wonder if you are any safer with him than you were out there.

Warnings: Kidnapping, mentions of physical abuse, memory loss/amnesia, loss of ability to walk (temporary), yandere behaviour, toxic behaviour, possessive behaviour, kind of slow burn, romantic tension, Ghost gets jealous, somewhat angsty in some parts, very fluffy in others (a good balance), mentions of interrogation, Reader showcases anxiety, no use of pronouns for Reader except 'you', mentions of games.

♡ You were a tourist who was in the wrong place at the wrong time - seen things you weren't meant to see.

♡ And that's how you ended up here, chained up in a warehouse for what you could only have guessed to have been a couple of months.

♡ You were barely kept alive by restricted rations of food and water the cartel members gave you, needing you alive but just weak enough to not be able to fight back.

♡ They kept you around for their own amusement, hitting you, beating you, humiliating you.

♡ You missed your family, your friends, your old life. You truly believed, with a heavy heart, that you'd die here without ever getting the chance to see them again.

♡ Until...

♡ It had all happened so fast that you couldn't keep up with it all.

♡ One minute there was a group of men playing poker at a table nearby, the next they'd all been blown away by some nigh-silent, unseen force.

♡ As soon as it had began, it was all over, though gunfire resonated from deeper within the warehouse.

♡ Your heart thudded, your mind hazy and heavy yet just about conscious enough to acknowledge a set of heavy, booted footsteps nearing you.

♡ A walkie-talkie crackled, followed by a deep, gravelly voice.

♡ "One potential hostage found. Commencing collection now."

♡ The chains keeping you tethered to the metal post were cut and your hands fell.

♡ You barely had the strength to lift them, nevermind your head, which lolled forward, gaze fixed in your lap.

♡ The person who you presumed to have released you knelt down before you. A gloved hand pushed against your forehead, forcing you to look at them.

♡ He was ghastly.

♡ His flesh face was covered by a second, the insignia of his endoskeleton splayed across a dark mask. His eyes were dark and seemed to swallow all light that tried to glimmer within them.

♡ "Can you talk?" he said. His voice was calm yet lacked patience, as if he knew time was short.

♡ You could barely move, barely think.

♡ You said nothing.

♡ The man took your non-answer and moved to lift you, keeping an arm under yours and the other firmly holding his gun.

♡ Now, stood at full height, walking on legs you hadn't used in months, your body couldn't handle it.

♡ Your blood pressure dropped and so did you.

♡ The man grunted as your weight collapsed into him, almost taking him with you.

♡ You fell unconscious, and the man rearranged you, slinging his gun over his shoulder and carrying you in his arms.

♡ The next time you awoke, the setting was drastically different.

♡ The dust-filled, sweltering warehouse you had grown accustomed to had given was to a blindingly white facility, the scent of streilisers and medicine filling your nostrils.

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