Ghost & König w/ an S/O who is Self Conscious about Squirting a Lot

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Warnings: 18+, Sexual Content, Heavy Implications of Smut, Squirting, Insecurity, Embarrassment, Dom Ghost, Dom König, Unprotected Sex, Profanity, etc.


♡ First time it happened, Ghost couldn't quite believe his eyes.

♡ He just stared down at where his hand connected with your cunt, your cum spattered across his arm, reaching all the way up to his elbow.

♡ The sheets below you were covered, too, a heavy downpour of your juices coating them, soaking them.

♡ "Fuckin' Hell," Ghost rasped, licking his lips.

♡ You lay wide-eyed and stationery beneath him, chest heaving with the coat tails of your orgasm.

♡ You'd never done that before.

♡ And the fact that Ghost only looked upon you with a heavy gaze did nothing to soothe your nerves - did nothing to reassure you that what had just happened was normal. Or appreciated.

♡ Sweat-skinned and face flushed with embarrassment, you tried to withdraw, to cover yourself and hide from Ghost's dark eyes.

♡ They were unreadable. Void of anything discernable.

♡ Before you could pull the soaked bed sheets over you, Simon's hand tore it from yours.

♡ "Oh no, Princess," he said. The corners of his lips turned up, not a smile, but one of its off-colour variants, one that spelled devious.

♡ "I'm not lettin' you go until you've covered me."

♡ Your eyes almost popped out of your head, face burning. You tried to object.

♡ " don't think it's weird?" you said, testing. Receding. "I-I don't think I can do it again–"

♡ "Let me put it this way," Ghost began. He pumped his fingers into you, four strong, making you squeal, sensitive from your orgasm. He began unbuckling his belt with his other hand.

♡ "We're not stopping 'til you do."


♡ König didn't stop pummeling into you until you'd finished.

♡ And, upon doing so, your orgasm tearing through you, you ended up spraying.


♡ König felt your warm cum shoot against his abdomen, coating him in a thin layer of you.

♡ You noticed, but your mind was far too hazy with the after effects of your high to register it properly.

♡ König finished inside you shortly after, unable to contain himself any longer.

♡ He flooded you, painting your insides white, much how you'd painted him.

♡ Minutes passed, your conjoined, deep breathing filling the silence.

♡ Head somewhat clearer, giving way to distinguishable thoughts, you looked down at König.

♡ He was, simply put, wet.

♡ Not damp, not moist - wet.

♡ And then, the memory hit you.

♡ Your heart sank.

♡ "König...?" you said, voice meek. You watched his chest and shoulders heave, with him bent over you like a bridge, eyes screwed shut.

♡ You went to call his name again, but his lips on yours stopped you.

♡ Between laboured breaths, he muttered dark words into your skin as if they were incantations.

♡ "Why did you hide this from me?" he said, breathless.

♡ You blinked, confused.

♡ "Wha–"

♡ "You thought you could keep this little trick of yours a secret from me."

♡ He said it as if it were true. The actual truth was that you'd never done that before; not with König, not with anyone.

♡ "I should punish you," he said, retracting only to roll his hips against yours.

♡ You gasped, a shock of painful euphoria tightening inside you.

♡ "I can make you do it again," he said. There was no mercy in his eyes. No negotiation.

♡ "And I will."


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