MW Reaction to You Leading Them On

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Warnings: 18+, Implied Smut, Dark! Modern Warfare, Horny! Modern Warfare, Possessive Behaviour, Territorial Behaviour, Entitled Behaviour, Threatening Behaviour, Incel-Coded! Modern Warfare, Dub-Con Themes, Implied Age Gap (Price), Physical Restraining, Kidnapping, Breaking and Entering, Reader Being Held Hostage, Abuse of Physical Power, Slut Shaming, Pet Names, Profanity, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except You.


♡ You'd only just noticed that Ghost stood at the front door of his apartment as if he were guarding it. Perhaps from your attempts at leaving.

♡ You'd tried apologising to him for 'stringing him along' as long as you had, but you genuinely believed the two of you were just being friendly, bantering. Nothing more to it.

♡ Obviously, Simon hadn't seen it that way. You know that now as you watch his hand slip down the front of his sweatpants, palming his erection through them.

♡ "Why don'cha come and show me how sorry you are with that pretty little mouth of yours." He's so monotone when he says it that you think he's joking. His face tells you otherwise.

♡ Of course, you're speechless. But Simon cares little for your bewilderment. He looks down at you, his eyes narrowing. When you don't come to him, he steps towards you.

♡ "You know," he says, coming closer. You step back. "Y'hear about pretty little things like you wandering into a man's trap. Gettin' ravaged."

♡ He's before you, now, all but chest-to-chest. His eyes are black. Gone is the man you've been playfully flirting with these last few months; who you'd tried to push over the edge with your accidental grazes, your unintentional whines, the batting of your eyelashes.

♡ None of that will save you now. His voice carries the weight of a dark star.

♡ "How do you know this isn't exactly where I want you."


♡ König was eerily silent upon your rejection.

♡ You both stood in his kitchen where, after watching you cook, his heart swelling beyond reason and fathom, König had blurted out that he liked you. A lot.

♡ Unfortunately, you couldn't return those feelings, only viewing König as a good friend at most.

♡ And now, he stands sentinel over a reaction you can't possibly predict. Especially as his eyes, usually crinkled with a smile and laughter, seem lighter than usual, as if drained of all their warmth.

♡ "I see," is all König says. He sighs, runs a hand through his hair. He leans back against the kitchen counter, one hand gripping its rounded edge while the other remains free.

♡ "I suppose I only have one option, then."

♡ König stands to his full height, approaching you, invading your personal space. He's almost chest-to-chest with you, the bulk of his frame, the size of his biceps becoming glaringly obvious to you now as his shirt struggles to contain him, pulled taut over his musculature.

♡ "I'll just have to destroy you for any other man you try to whore around with."

♡ The way in which he says it suggests indifference; as if this is something he's done or thought about a million times before. He presses you into the counter, hands coming to rest either side of you. He bears down on you, jaw clenched and teeth gritted behind straight lips.

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