Ghost w/ a Petite S/O

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Warnings: 18+, mention of size kink, Reader is small, no pronouns used for Reader except 'you', mention of spooning, mentions of smut, pet names, mentions of possessiveness, abuse of strength (but it's consensual), just Ghost in love

♡ Size kink.

♡ He loves how much smaller than him you are. Also can't believe how small you are.

♡ Pulls you to sleep on top of him when you're in bed, or cocoons himself around you, putting himself between you and potential threats.

♡ Is always the big spoon. No compromise.

♡ Loves comparing how large his hands are to any part of your body.

♡ Makes you sit on his lap when others are around (given they know you're dating) because he's just that proud to be your boyfriend.

♡ Also makes you sit on his lap when you're alone.

♡ Likes when you shift in just the right way so that you catch him.

♡ Usually ends up in you two doing the deed.

♡ Calls you pet names like "Doll", "Prince/Princess," "Tiny," "Small," when you're alone.

♡ He tries not to let you get too involved with the people he works with.

♡ Lowkey fears that doing so will make you more accessible to whoever he's sent to hunt down next.

♡ Uses his immense size to shield you from the view of anyone he doesn't want seeing you, or the weather if you're out and about and it's cold.

♡ P o s s e s s i v e.

♡ Hugs you at any given opportunity (usually in private, though).

♡ Has a penchant for pinning you down and watching you "struggle" to escape his grip.

♡ Definitely gets off to being way stronger than you.

♡ And you do too, to be honest.

♡ Loves when you come and give him back hugs because your arms are too small to fit all the way around him.

♡ Will absolutely melt if you tell him he makes you feel safe.

♡ Gives his life purpose.

♡ He just loves you so much.

♡ Would do anything for you.

♡ Except put everything out of your reach on a lower shelf.

♡ He adores the way you have to come and ask him to pass you things because you're too small to reach them.

♡ Half does it because he likes you being reliant on him, half because he finds great pleasure in the way your body rubs against his when he's stood behind you, pressing you into the counter as he reaches above you to pass you whatever it is you were asking for.

♡ This also usually leads to very long nights.

♡ Sometimes you do this just to get him hot and bothered lol.

♡ Speaking of, he gets off on how big his cock is compared to you.

♡ Lives for the way your stomach bulges when he's inside you.

♡ Always gentle with you (unless you ask him not to be, but even then he'll hold back until he's seen how well you can take his full strength).

♡ Worries that you'd be vulnerable when he's not around, though.

♡ Teaches you how to defend yourself in his absence.

♡ All in all, would tear the stars from the sky for you if you asked him to.

♡ Loves you unconditionally and unfathomably.


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