The One where Soap finds Himself in an ✨ Awkward ✨Situation [ Ghost x Reader ]

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Summary: Hiding out at your house, the 141 are settling in for the evening. Soap ends up hearing something he's pretty sure he shouldn't have on his way to the bathroom. But why can't he seem to stop listening ?

Warnings: Suggestive Content, Soap Being Confused, Occasional Profanity, No Pronouns used for Reader Except for 'You'.

"Gah! Fuck–"

The voice splintering through the door made Soap jump – near caused him to soil his favourite pair of jeans as it rumbled through the wood, practically taking it off its hinges with how the nails shuddered in their slots. The voice was baritone, deep. Grizzled. A carnality slumbered in its tone, rearing its waking head.


"Shh, Simon ! You're going to get us caught !"

Yours followed soon after, a reprimand Johnny would never dream of dishing to the most lethal man he's ever known. And yet here you were, doing God-knows-what, speaking to him as if you were in control.

When all went quiet again, just for a moment, Soap stopped and wondered if it had all been a hallucination. One second, then two. A low moan slipped beneath the door. Johnny jumped.

He was just going to walk away. Truly, he was ! He – and the rest of the 141 – saw how much chemistry – history – you and Ghost shared. Although, he'd just never imagined you'd be sharing it with the rest of the house, too.

Well, if Simon's volume was anything to go by.

Johnny's eyes drifted from the end of the hallway – where the beloved bathroom was – to the door beside him. He bit his lip, heart beating, still recovering from the fright. His curiosity was far from piqued – it shot through the bloody roof and left an impromptu skylight in its wake. And as imaginary sunlight filtered in through the hole, Johnny begged that divine intervention would tear him away from the scene unfolding beside him so he wouldn't have to.

"God, don't stop," came Simon's pleading tone, any harshness that was custom to it having melted away. Soap, against all better judgement and higher power, inched closer to the door. He cast a glance over his shoulder, once, twice. Nobody lurked behind looking behind. His ear was almost pressed to the wood. He could hear Simon panting, hear you humming as you did...something.

"I won't – not until you're finished." There was little to be heard in the way of shame in your voice, especially in your gentle whisper: "I promise." Soap swallowed thickly, then, blinking, began rubbing his ears. He couldn't be hearing this right. He just couldn't !

Only, when he had thoroughly cleared the imaginary poison from his ears, the issue remained.

"Shit! That's it, right there–"

"God, you're so stiff, Simon. What have you been doing while you were away ?" There was almost a purr to your voice. Ghost only let out a moan as his response, muffled by what Johnny could only guess were pillows.

Why am I still here?! he all but screamed, remembering that he was no Pinocchio, trapped on this stage, bound by strings. He could have been a free man if he so wished. And trust, he did. So why was it that, when he went to walk away, to scour his ears with bleach, to finally embark upon his uninterrupted journey to the bathroom, that he found himself glued in place ?

Perhaps it was the primal instinct to know all that there is to know, to discern danger wherever it lay. Or, perhaps, he was so enamoured with the idea of whatever could be happening on the other side of this door – Ghost being human for a change – that he couldn't bring himself to pass up the opportunity to see him so...vulnerable.

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