Yandere Captain Price Headcanons

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Warnings: 18+, Career saboutage, age gap, virginity kink (?), smut, Fem Reader, breeding kink, forced pregnancy, mention of power fantasies, Price is a top, sir kink, mentions of male masturbation, toxic behaviour, abhorrent behaviour, SERIOUSLY TOXIC BEHAVIOUR!, mention of a gun, description of a wound/injury, mentions of injuries, mention of blood, brief speculation of medical issues, pet names, profanity, etc.

♡ You'd ensnared Price with your dark wit and humour, mirroring much of his own; and the smile you often served him with.

♡ It took a long time - an arduous process you didn't even know you were engaging in - but you had Price wrapped around your finger within a year.

♡ And he suspected that his liking of you - merely brief flickers of fantasies to ease him off to sleep or to get himself off - ran much deeper than he initially suspected.

♡ Sure, he liked you; he worked with you, saw you every day - he'd think something was amiss if he didn't like you.

♡ Though, that initial companionable enjoyment he - and the rest of the 141 - got from your fresh perspectives and attentiveness caused something in Price to...change.

♡ He felt the shift, knew its symptoms, yet never found himself falling victim to it.

♡ Until now.

♡ He brushed it off at first, keeping his chatter with you tame, dull, if anything, to slow the spread, to stop it.

♡ But he couldn't deny, as the months went on, how you made him feel, regardless of how hard he tried to push you away.

♡ You made him feel safe, truly safe, something he hadn't felt in a long time.

♡ Sure, he was a big guy, more than perfectly capable of killing when necessary (and unnecessary), but that didn't mean he wasn't subject to the odd adrenaline rush here and there, a bullet wound to the thigh, a gouge to the shoulder.

♡ And despite being younger than him, you were always there to patch him up, to see to him. It was your job. It was inevitable.

♡ You knew that, Price knew that - yet something inside prevented him from believing that your stray touches, the tender look in your eyes, the soft tone of your voice, were merely a symptom of your profession.

♡ They were evidence of your fancying of him, too.

♡ And he decided to let you know that he knew.

♡ It started off with looks - longer than usual. Longing.

 ♡ In the common room, passing each other in the halls, during conversations.

♡ He'd tease you from time to time, just to see your face break out in a flush of colour.

♡ "Y'know what, (Y/N)?" he'd say, leaning in across the cafeteria table. "You have beautiful eyes."

If you managed to bypass your own embarrassment and shoot a compliment back, albeit sarcastic-- "Not as mysterious as yours, Captain,"-- he'd fall for you harder.

♡ Btw, calling him "Captain," or "Sir," makes all the blood in his body rush straight to his cock.

♡ Has jacked off to his power fantasies before now.

♡ Man's a top, it's just in his nature to want authority over everyone else (you).

♡ After that, he started being more physical with you.

♡ He decided to teach you how to use a gun - "For your own safety," of course.

♡ It was all (mostly) a ploy to have a plausible excuse to be pressed up behind you, arms around yours, head resting on your shoulder as he praised you for your aim.

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