Vampire Simon "Ghost" Riley Headcanons

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Warnings: Implications of Smut, Implications of Degrading, Aftercare, Feeding, Jealous Simon, Possessive Simon, Fluff, Mentions of Blood, Petnames, Self-Conscious Simon, No Pronouns used for Reader except 'You'.

♡ Ghost is one of the oldest vampires to inhabit the planet, and as a result, has tremendous self-control when it comes to feeding.

♡ He'll only feed from you if you let him, and he won't feed from anyone or anything else.

♡ The thought of tasting another person's blood repulses him. Makes him feel dirty.

♡ After all, you're the only one for him, so why would he enact such an intimate encounter with someone else ?

♡ He'll get extremely jealous if you let someone else feed from you, btw.

♡ Even if it's a dire situation and it's someone he knows well – Soap, for instance – he'll struggle to not let his mind wander, to contemplate whether you enjoy having Johnny attached to your throat like a leech.

♡ Sulky vampire boyfriend hours !!!

♡ You'll have to reassure him that he's still your favourite (and only !) "Big teddy boy~".

♡ He secretly (shamefully) loves feeding from you.

♡ And I don't mean in just a romantic sense; I'm talking full-on primal instinct.

♡ Whenever he has you pinned under him and is taking you, he can smell how close you are to your end by the scent of your blood.

♡ And he waits, calling you every whorish synonym under the sun, smoothing over your tears with promises of love that you already know until your body gives out and you wail, back arching into Simon's chest as his fangs sharpen and plunge into the juncture of your neck.

♡ Your blood is a fine delicacy, but in this moment, during the pinnacle of mortal euphoria, it is exquisite.

♡ He doesn't drain you; just takes what he knows your body can take.

♡ And despite how rough he can be with you, when there's blood – your blood –involved, he's nothing but gentle.

♡ His favourite part of the evening is when he pulls you into his arms and a trickle of blood runs down your chest and he gets to run his tongue along it; a red mercy.

♡ Simon's big on aftercare btw.

♡ He's not letting you get out of bed for at least a full day afterwards; not until you're fully healed.

♡ The longer a vampire goes without feeding, the more of their true form appears.

♡ It takes energy to keep his human skin intact, so if Ghost hasn't been drinking, his features become gradually more monstrous as the days go by.

♡ He'll wear his mask when this starts to happen.

♡ He loves you, trusts you with every ounce of his existence. But he doesn't want you seeing him. The real him.

♡ It doesn't matter how many times you tell him that you love him "Regardless of what's underneath your pretty boy face !" – he's not letting you see it.

♡ Often, your reassurances turn into quick 'self-love' sessions in the nearest, most convenient spot, ending with Simon gasping and whining beneath your touch.

♡ He knows his vampire form isn't easy to look at. A man's heart once gave out the second he caught sight of Simon without his human face on.

♡ And he doesn't want that for you.

♡ He just loves you too much.

♡ Speaking of; he's always hinting towards turning you into a vampire.

♡ Like, constantly.

♡ He brings it up at some of the most inopportune moments – like when you're cooking dinner. Or at least trying to.

♡ Once, to shut him up, you told him (jokingly) that he'd have to "Marry me before I let you turn me !"

♡ And that put a dangerous little idea in Simon's head.

♡ Now, he's always trying to find the perfect opportunity to propose to you – to turn you.

♡ He's not stupid, he knows that tone in your voice meant you weren't being entirely serious.

♡ But it gave him hope. A rare commodity in the world of an undead.

♡ He has about ten engagement rings hidden in your shared home, each having been tweaked and perfected to be as timeless as possible.

♡ You're the most wonderful human there is, in Simon's eyes, so you deserve the best.

♡ So be on the lookout for that faraway look in his eye as he peers into a future he doesn't think can come soon enough; one where your love will outlive all those that have come before and after.

♡ A life where, for the first and last time, Simon has a constant in his life.

♡ You.

♡ Domestic Vampire Boyfriend !!!

♡ He'll cook for you whenever you ask him to, no questions asked.

♡ Though, he won't be handling any garlic.

♡ Or be going near you when you've eaten it.

♡ Soap constantly tries to bring up embarrassing stuff Simon's done.

♡ Which is why he's always at your side whenever the 141 come over.

♡ He can't risk johnny jeopardising the slick, suave, sophisticated image of a loving boyfriend (and stone-cold killer) he's cultivated for himself. Well, for you, mainly.

♡ "Ey, did'ya know that once when Si and I were just wee vampires, that he almost set a whole town on fire because he forgot he burns up in the sun–"

♡ "That'll do, Johnny."

♡ "Aww, it's okay, Sim-Sim," you say. "You're still my favourite little leechie in the whole world !"

♡ He is going to get bullied by his associates after that, but if it's to hear your sweet praises, he'll gladly tolerate it.


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