Father's Friend! Simon "Ghost" Riley Headcanons

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Warnings: 18+, Implied Smut, Age Gap Relationship (Reader is in their 20's, Ghost's in his 40's), Forbidden Relationship, Older Man/Younger Reader, Protective! Simon, Slightly Creepy! Simon, Petnames, Profanity, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except 'You'.

♡ Simon was more gentle with you than he'd ever been with anyone, especially now as he lay on top of you, pushing into you slowly, carefully.

♡ He knew what you were doing was wrong – the looks, the gifts, the sneaking around behind everyone's backs – but he'd already betrayed too many of his instincts – allowed you to break down too many of his walls – to care now.

♡ Simon had fucked before, but he'd never made love to anyone. You were his first, in that sense.

♡ "That's it," he rasped, releasing a guttural moan as he finally managed to slip into you fully. He felt himself twitch. Felt you heaving laboured breaths as he lay heavy inside you. He rested his forehead against yours, skin slick with sweat, pressing a languid kiss to your lips, trailing down, along your jaw, down to the sensitive area just beneath your earlobe. Your pulse point.

♡ "Doin' so well for me, Love," he told you. And from the veins bulging beneath his skin, his scars and tattoos underlined by a constellation of capillaries and a cacophony of life, you knew he was telling the truth.

♡ Simon can remember every single point that led to this. At first, it was your meeting. Fated, it seemed. Especially now as the two of you lay with your legs tangled together, fingers interlocked and bodies all but conjoined.

♡ For a man who's always struggled with eye contact, this is the only time he's ever enjoyed it. Peering into you, your eyes.

♡ Simon knows you love him. Though, he doesn't quite believe it given how he perceives you to be out of his league.

♡ And, despite your assurances, Simon tends to get a bit...jealous.

♡ Self-conscious.

♡ He's aware of the fact that the age gap between the two of you is wide enough to let some doubts slip in; doubts that, in your young age, you've made a horrible decision pursuing a man as grizzled as Simon.

♡ But he never takes his insecurities out on you. Not outside the bedroom, at least.

♡ If you're going out with someone Simon views as competition, he has a tendency to leave you 'something to remember him by' — namely his cum rolling down your thighs and dripping into your underwear.

♡ He loves watching you try to greet people normally, knowing that you were getting raw dogged just ten minutes before, the aftermath seeping into the fabric of your underwear, making you shift in your seat, trying to find a position where you're not pressed against the sopping-wet fabric.

♡ Simon wonders if, during those times, you think of him. The same way he thinks of you as his mind wanders and his hand slips across the waistband of his jeans, palming himself at the memory of your whimpering, the tears in your eyes as you tell him how good he's making you feel.

♡ His possessiveness gets the better of him sometimes, hence he sends you into the world with some part of you filled with his semen.

♡ During these moments, his jealousy manifests in his roughness with you — in his need to make you feel things no other man can.

♡ Other times, he's gentle. Endearingly so. And those are the times you know he needs reassurance the most.

♡ Card your hands through his hair, call him yours, tell him how much you love him. He'll be the one moaning and whimpering into the crook of your neck, I guarantee it.

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