𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚

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Dear dairy-NOPE...Dear diary, life has been pretty good so far. I've been 'trying' to play with my big brother and the others. One day for sure, I'll be able to play with them! Big Brother, Haru always says that I'm the reason for him getting yelled at by Big Bro, Take but I don't know what I'm suppose to do about that. I haven't thought too much about it, maybe they just need to hug and talk to each other! Yeah! That's it! But...it is my fault that Big Brother, Haru always gets yelled at... I think I should go make something for him! As an apology and then, maybe then, he can forgive me. YEAH! That sounds GREAT! Well, - Senju clocking oUt!

"SEN-JUUU!, HARU-CHIYOOO DINNER IS READY!!" A Takeomi yelled from the kitchen room

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"SEN-JUUU!, HARU-CHIYOOO DINNER IS READY!!" A Takeomi yelled from the kitchen room. The little siblings both scream "COMING!" As I was running through the halls to get my dinner, my Big Brother, Haru was also came running through the same halls. Giving me that SIDE EYE look. But it's okay because I'm going to give him something special as an apology. Just wait, big brother! Hehehe... Both of the little siblings started to walk their way to their chairs. The little brother not even caring for the little girl that's right next to him. Just giving her that SIDE EYE look. "Soooo....what's for dinner big bro, it smells really good!" I said so happy. Smelling the nice fresh food as I spoke. Big Bro, Take who made the food started putting the separate plates for us."Just some pasta and meat I hope you guys like it!" Big Bro, Take said. Now giving us our food. Both of us said "Thank you for the food today," we said to big brother, Haru "So tomorrow we'll be going to the Sano's house again," Big bro, Take said as he was sitting down, grabbing some bread "YAYYY!!" I cheer in excitement. Knowing this I'll be able to play with, Mikey and the others, maybe even play with Big Brother, Haru. Well 'try to'... I don't have a real connection with Big Brother, Haru's friends. Sometimes they would play with me if Big Brother, Haru is in a good mood but that rarely happens. I can't wait! OH I KNOW I'll give him the present tomorrow- BUT I don't have enough time...maybe if I tell Big Bro, Take to help me...[should I or should I not] I thought in my head. Ok I thought long a hard about this. I'll ask Big Bro, Take to help me but I just won't tell him that I'm giving it to Big Brother, Haru so that he doesn't spoil it for me when I give it to Big Bro, Haru. Heheh...that'll work.


Say Big Bro, Take..." I said while getting another bite of my pasta. "Huh? What is it Senju?" said Takeomi while eating."Are you doing anything after this?" I said "No? Why? Is there something you need?" Big Bro Take said while going for his drink "Yes actually I need your hel-" I said as I was RUDLY interrupted "I'm done," said my Big Brother, Haru while getting out of his seat and walking down to put his plate on the sink. And for some reason, I could see a little sinister smirk from my big brotherKnowing full well why he was smirking I couldn't help but think [that conniving son of a bi-] when suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when my Big Bro, Take spoke. "Ok, make sure you do your homework Haruchiyo, I heard your not doing well in mathematics," said Big Bro, Take getting out of his chair as he was already done with his meal. Big Brother, Haru was already in the mid-hall saying "Yeah, yeah," now disappearing as Big Brother, Haru walks to his room.

"So Senju what was it that you wanted to say?" Big Bro, Take said as he was picking up my plate since I was also finished with my dinner too. (He only does that when he's done with his meal if he isn't then he doesn't bother doing anything) "I need help making a present for someone, but I don't know what to gift them, can you help me pwease?" I said desperately waiting for his answer, hoping he would say yes. "Yeah sure, I don't mind, who's it for? It better not be a boy Senju, I hope not..." Takeomi said, whispering that last part, hoping Senju didn't hear that last part. Which good thing she didn't, the girl was too occupied with her own problems. Takeomi was now washing the dishes. [Crap, crap, crap! What do I say, it is a boy but I don't want Big Bro, Take to know it's for Big Brother, Haru] I thought in my head. I started to sweat drop. "Uhh..my..my friend, FRIEND Yeah friend!" I said as I started to breathe a bit heavier, then l breath in and out. "Hmm who's this friend? Sen-ju," he said already finished with the dishes.

[Ahhhh what do I say? I can't say big brother 'cause then that would ruin the whole thing! I need to think of someone I know-] I thought in my head after I blurted a random name in my head "MIKEY!" I blurted out letting out air. I don't know why I said that but it's what came into my head. I don't like lying, but it's for a good cause."Oh...oh...OH," he said. I don't know what he's thinking but I hope it's well. "Why him? Out of all people why him Senju?" he said in a dissatisfied voice. I was confused about what he was saying but I didn't really care that much. I mean it's Big Bro, Take what would he thinking about that he would be so dissatified about? Right? "Well anyways I'll help if it makes you happy," he said which just made me REALLY HAPPY "YAYY, THANK YOU, BIG BRO, TAKE! YOU'RE THE BEST!" I said jumping up and down, my hand up in the air.

Hours past and lost of fails were made but with the time, Senju and, Takeomi finally managed to bake the cake. Even though, Takeomi agreed to do the cake he had no idea how to make one, which left, Senju to do most of the work. We went on to make the surprise which was great and all, but now I feel like a corpse right now, I was so tired that took forever.

E N D  Of  Chapter 1

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E N D  Of  Chapter 1

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