𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡

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Dear Diary...what can I do to make myself disappear? Or should I just die? Nah that would be too pathetic of me. If no one wants me, if Big Brother doesn't want me then why try? It's obvious he doesn't love me. It's tiring trying to get someone's love when they don't even love you. You give love but they don't. Ha... I'll just find someone else who actually loves me. Maybe one day Big brother will realize his mistake but I doubt it. He doesn't even realize how much pain he's caused. I just want my Big brother is that too much to ask? It's okay though but my scars hurt more than he'll ever know...

Senju kept on crying and her brother (Haruchiyo) was right there next to her, being her comfort because that's what the little girl needed right now

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Senju kept on crying and her brother (Haruchiyo) was right there next to her, being her comfort because that's what the little girl needed right now. Shinichiro and, Takeomi came to the scene and started running from the halls and saw the commotion, only to see a, Senju crying, a Haruchiyo comforting, Senju, a, Baji on the floor, out of breath, and shocked. A, Manjiro shocked and looking at his hands and back at a, Senju crying. No one said anything until Shinichiro broke the silence. "What...w-what happened here?" Shinichiro questioned, still shocked from the commotion that was happening. He never thought this was going to happen, he always thought the kids were find and would never fight eachother like this, but boy was he wrong about that."I-I d-didn't...mean to...I-I...," Manjiro stuttered in shock, while looking at his hands, eyes wide open. "W-what? W-wait, M-Mikey don't tell me t-that y-you..." Shinichiro tried questioning Manjiro. His shocked face was showing, while pointing his finger at, Senju, eyes wide open like, Manjiro. Crying can be heard around the area. That was known other than, Senju. Her scars were visible and the blood drooling down her lip. It was hard to see a child like this, maybe them because they were in a gang but, Senju no they didn't. Takeomi was shocked as h#ll, he kind of knew though, he knew some of this was his fault for not knowing sooner, not knowing something like this was going to happen. Takeomi walked towards, Keisuke because he was the only one who looked okay to talk. "W-what happened here? Tell me w-what you saw...please" Takeomi said with a hint of eagerness. "A-are you s-sure?" Keisuke questioned, worried. Takeomi just nodded his head yes. Keisuke gulped and proceeded talking.

"W-well umm, to start off, Senju gave a cake to Haru...but Haruchiyo felt embarrassed from what I saw and threw the cake to the ground. Then he said Eat it and beg for forgiveness and then maybe I'll forgive you, DO, IT unless you don't want my forgiveness, and that's what she did" Baji said, explaining from the beginning. Haruchiyo heard the whole thing and just comforted Senju who stopped crying. The boy kept thinking that it was his fault and a part of it was. The boy thought of 'what ifs' scenarios but the damage has already been done, there's no going back. Unless there was a person who can time leap...but only god would know that. Keisuke kept on explaining the situation to, Takeomi while, Haruchiyo was in his own thoughts. Shinichiro and the others were also hearing the situation from, Keisuke at hand."And then I saw, M-M...Mikey who was on top of, Senju, beating her to death, Mikey just kept on shouting at, Senju for breaking his toy airplane that, Shinichiro bought fro him," Keisuke said, stopping for a minute. He gulped."That's when, Haruchiyo came with a disgusted look on his face, Mikey then told Senju to smile, then to laugh, laugh more, and she did...she kept on bleeding..." Keisuke said, he tried not to let thoughs tears from falling but they just kept on falling It was hard not to though remembering the scene made him cry even more. "T-the worst part was that, Senju excepted it, like if it was her fate, s-she didn't care anymore," Keisuke cried. Manjiro was in shock, his knees dropped, saying it was his fault.

"Haru then came and ran towards Senju and hugged her, Senju started crying, and

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"Haru then came and ran towards Senju and hugged her, Senju started crying, and...that's when you guys came in seeing all this..." Keisuke said looking at the floor crying. "I-I see, well then lets Senju to the hospital..." Takeomi said. He then walked towards Senju and Haruchiyo. Takeomi picked up, Senju- who was unconcious, up from, Haruchiyo's gasp and walked to his motorcycle. Shinichiro and the others followed. They all arrived at the hospital.

Every second felt like an hour to them, they were sweating or sleeping. A doctor came towards the group, and everyone stood up. "How is she a doctor?" Takeomi questioned, worried. "She will be fine, she has a few minor scratches, and unfortunately the scars on her lip are going to be permanent," The doctor said calmly. Takeomi sighed in relief. "Can I see her? Can we see her?" Takeomi said, eagerness getting the better of him. "There has to be at least a family member here to come in, are any of you her family?" The doctor questioned him. "Yes! Me and this rascal!" Takeomi said shouting while holding Haruchiyo's shoulder. Haruchiyo didn't look at his older brother but just thought that everything was his fault and Mikey's. He just looked at the doctor who was in front of them.

Ok please come with me and please refrain from shouting," The doctor warned. Everyone was now walking on the halls, the awkwardness was eating them very quickly... The Akashi brothers were in front of the Sano brother, as they were the family members so they had to go first."So is it true...that you made, Senju eat the cake that she made from the ground?" Takeomi broke the silence in the air. Haruchiyo knew what he did was wrong and he wanted- wants to make things right as soon as possible but before that can even happen he need to start with the truth."Y-yes...I did...I know what I did was wrong a-and I-I...I want to make things right with her...somehow," Haruchiyo said very sadly, looking at the floor. "Hey look at me," Takeomi said in a calm tone. "Yes what you did was pretty messed up but you know your mistake and we'll get through this together that's what siblings do, don't they? I mean even if it's STUPID," Takeomi said chuckling, Haruchiyo did the same.

 "Yes what you did was pretty messed up but you know your mistake and we'll get through this together that's what siblings do, don't they? I mean even if it's STUPID," Takeomi said chuckling, Haruchiyo did the same

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E N D OF Chapter 6

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