𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝐌𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝...

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Dear diary, I'm now realizing that I should've just made something else other than a cake for Big Brother, Haru. Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it now, I guess. I mean what can possibly go wrong right? It's just a cake after all. OMG, maybe Big Brother, Haru's friends, and I can all eat the cake together and talk about the last time we ate our boogers! Yeah, that sounds AWESOME!

 OMG, maybe Big Brother, Haru's friends, and I can all eat the cake together and talk about the last time we ate our boogers! Yeah, that sounds AWESOME!

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Finally, we're here, I've been waiting too long! "Okay we're here don't cause any trouble while we're here. Got it?" Big Bro, Take said while walking towards, Shinichiro. "Okay Big Bro, Take" I said while trying to catch up to Big Brother, Haru.



Takeomi Perspective

"Hey Shin," I said making a grin on my face. "What Take," he said, looking at me bordly. Shin started to take a sip of his drink, while looking at me."Get ready because I'm going to be your Brother-in-law soon in like what? Hmm...maybe 10 years from now or maybe 15, meh I'm not sure," Then suddenly Shinichiro spat his drink on the floor. "Man, what the hell? Are you on drugs or something?" Shinishiro said, looking at me angrely. Shinichiro went to get a mop to clean the mess he did. He stared at me disapointed, concerned and confused all at the same time. "No? I don't think so...well anyways, yeah my little sister is going to give, Mikey a cake, I have a feeling she likes him" I said proudly."HAHAHA...nice joke Take, I'm not bying that sh#t," Shinichiro said irrated then chuckled. "Huh? I'm not joking man, I'm serious" I said. Then, Shinichiro stopped chuckling and looked at me, deep inside my soul for a hot second. "Oh sh#t you're not joking," he said. His eyes went wide. Then, Shinichiro started to realize it. "Why would I be joking?" I said, looking at him. "I mean most of the time you're a dumb#ss, and you say one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, sooo..." Shinchiro started to sip his drink once again. "Man, f#ck you," I said, irritated. Then I made his drink fall all over his mouth to his shirt. "What the f#ck man," he said while getting a napkin to dry himself...well 'trying'. "That's what you get fart face," I said smirking at him. "Motherfu-," Shinchiro was about to say until he remembered that his silbings and other children here. "I hate you," Shinichiro said, not havinga better comeback than that. "HA! Don't have a better comeback than that?" I said. "B#tch..." Shinichiro muttered but loud enough for me to hear."Well at least help me out dumb#ss," he said. He looked pissed."Fine since I'm SUCH a good friend," I said while grinning at him. "Shut the f#ck up, and get your #ss here, and help, #sshole" he said in a pissed tone, but I mean who could blame him...ha me.



finally catch up to Big Brother, Haru while holding the cake in my right hand. I see Big Brother, Haru's friends. "Who is this again?" Baji pointed at me making everyone even big brother look at me. I start to shiver a little, making me feel nervous. "That's Haruchiyo's little sister remember, idiot," Mikey said while smacking Baji on the back of his head. "OW! That hurt MIKEY!" Baji said, screaming at Mikey."Ha you can't even take a smack on the head your such a girl~," he said giggling a little. Before Baji could even say anything Mikey said. "No offense," looking at me. [Okay it's now or never Senju, you got this!] I thought in my head. "Umm, Big Brother, Haru..." I start to sweat a little. I look at him. "What?" he said. Mikey and Baji stopped arguing and Big Brother, Haru's friends looked at us. "Umm...HERE! Have it! I made it for you!" I leaned almost bowing at him and gave him the present."What the?" he said, in a confused tone."I'm sorry that Big Bro, Take always yells at you because of me! I hope this can make up for the damage I did!" I said. He took the box and started to open a box to see a cake. Saying "Sorry"

*Says "Sorry" in the middle

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*Says "Sorry" in the middle

Baji started laughing and Big Brother, Haru's friends started laughing as well. Leaving Big Brother, Haru red as he was embarrassed. "Your sorry huh?" Then he took the cake out and threw it on the floor. I was in shock. [Why did Big Brother, Haru just throw my hard-working cake?] I thought in my head. "Then eat and beg for forgiveness and then maybe I'll forgive you" I started to tear up. One became two and two became waterfalls. "b-but Big Brother-" I was interrupted by Big Brother. "But Big Brother, Haru what? I told you to not call me that! DO IT! Unless you don't want my forgiveness," Big Brother, Haru said. Then I heard one person say "Do it! do it! do it!" Then turned into multiple people saying "Do it!" I looked at them. My eyes were wide at the shock of Big Brother, Haru's friends.I cried more heavenly looking down at the floor. Then I kneeled and started to eat the cake I made. "eww!" or "She actually did it?" I heard people say. I kept eating the cake while getting frosting on my face but I didn't care. "I'M SORRY BIG BROTHER! I BEG FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS!" I screamed out. Then, Mikey helped me up, giving me a hand. "Okay that was sh#tty of you Haruchiyo," Mikey said "Tch whatever," Big Brother said rolling his eyes.

I didn't want to be here anymore, in this very moment, I wanted to disappear. I ran as fast and far away as possible from here and left them and went inside the Sano's house until I was in one of the halls. I wanted to be alone, to disappear...to die then and there. Then I was in a room, sat down, and started to hold my legs tightly in front of me. That's when I saw a toy airplane...

E N D Of Chapter 3

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E N D Of Chapter 3

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