𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐨 - 𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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There was a time where there was only Demons, Angles, and Gods. At least there was, unfortunaly these creatures (given the name by humans) became too powerful for there own to good. It became to a point that someone much of a higher rank than any of these creatures had to step in and stop them. No one knows why this unknown creature stopped his 'fellow' peer creatures but it did in the end. Although there has been studies shown that this unknown was seen in a lake. From what studies have shown it was an angle that saw the whole thing but later got perished away as punishment for an unknown reason. However before the angle got perished away the unknown creature had spoken in a weird language that was called Eglisherr. "ㄚㄖㄩ    ᗪㄖ几'ㄒ   ᗪ乇丂乇ᐯ乇    ㄒ卄丨丂 , ㄚㄖㄩ     山丨ㄥㄥ     乃乇                        卄ㄩ爪卂几,     匚卄丨ㄥᗪ,". Is what the unknown creature said. It is said that this creature had an ability to timetravel.

"Do it," said Mr

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"Do it," said Mr. Rulealt. Senju however was pissed off for the fact that she had to do it. The girl just shot dangers at the docter. "Do~ It! Come on! Pretty please? Just one time! I swear I won't ask for anything out of my job, so please, Senju?" The girl sighed loudy. "I will do so, but next time I will kill you," Senju said very hatefull. Senju then stuck out her tounge- her very long tonge. "Leave, you disgust me," Senju demanded. Mr. Rulealt hummed in responce and left. "Waste of space," remarked Senju. Senju then sat on the concreted floor and took out her notepad that she brought without her doctor- Mr. Rulealt knowing. The girl somehow loved gong to rooftops for reason. The girl, Senju had started to write in notepad.

There are cemeteries that are lonely,

graves full of bones that do not make a sound,

the heart moving through a tunnel,

in it darkness, darkness, darkness,

like a shipwreck we die going into ourselves,

as though we were drowning inside our hearts,

as though we lived falling out of the skin into the soul. . .

(written by 𝓟𝓵𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓸 𝓝𝓮𝓻𝓾𝓭𝓪)

The girl had written until she heard a similiar sound. It was the sound she hated eversince she got here, it was the come inside her hospital room. She hates her room. She never once liked, or loved it. Just like everyone around her she hated her room. Senju got up and grabbed her notepad along with her. She started to walk the direction to the exit, the door where she would have to face the #ssholes face once again and along with everyone else's face. To her there all meaningless extra's that have nothing to do with there ret#rted life. Everyone was a bother in her eyes, but no one would stop her from saying what was the truth. Once she was close to the door she began to reach her hand to open the door only for it to be opened by someone else. That someone else is none other than mikey and his extras. Senju had a rather ark face one, pissed, and calm all at the same time, one might say that's rather comfusing but what was said was said. This time Manjiro was calm, unlike before, where he didn't expect Senju to be in front of him. Senju just walked past them, causing some whispers to come. From what Senju saw, it looked like about seven people were there, although Senju didn't give a sh#t because they were all extras in her eyes, all except Manjiro- Mikey. As Senju was about to walk downstairs her arm was grabbed by someone. "Akashi...san please, can we talk? Just for a moment, it won't take too much of your time, ple-," Manjiro pleaded until Senju interrupted him. "F#ck off, little Mikey," Senju cursed at him. She ranked her arm off of Manjiro. As she was about to leave once again her arm was grabbed again. "Senju, please...we want to apologise...please let us," Keisuke pleaded at Senju. "Stop f#cking grabbing me! You lot disgust me! Get your pathetic germs off me! Also why must I listen to extras like you? Hmm? F#ck off, I don't have time for your bullsh#t, I already dislike being here, so leave me alone," Senju said, rather negatively.

Is all what Senju wanted to say but instead she said, "You disgust me, leave," Senju said and left the group. Finally no one was bothering Senju anymore, or so she thought. As Senju was heading towards her room she found rather a disgusting sight. Lots of people were inside her room- her f#cking room as if seeing extras was enough. No because apperently someone had other plans for her today. She knew exactly who started this disgusting mess, Mr. Rulealt.

E N D Of Chapter 13

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E N D Of Chapter 13

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