𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐖𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝

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I've always loved my siblings. My siblings are everything to me and a lot of people could judge me for how I raised my siblings. Before I used to think about how horrible I treated them and, how Shinichiro would raise his siblings better than me. It's tough not going to lie, unlike, Shinichiro I didn't have anyone with me, both of my parents disapeared and left me to take care of my young silbings. I had no one at the time and I thought I would be all alone but shinichiro at least was there for me. Haruchiyo and, Senju were nice kids and kind kids, they were so cheerful but eversince the incident from 2 years ago happened everything changed. It was to a point where I was on debt for too long. I payed my debts after working at multiple fast food places like McWabble, Jack in the Package, and Clown Wednesday. It was hard but I did it. Even if I'm too late to fix this family I will do whatever it takes. I'm not going to just stand there and smoke all day ever again.

 I'm not going to just stand there and smoke all day ever again

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Senju started walking inside the hospital. If she was honest something about her elder brother, Takeomi made her act differently than how she acts. Maybe it was because of her connection towards her elder brother but she really didn't know what this feeling was inside her chest. For the first time she actually laughed normally which was so weird for the teen. Senju was having mixed emotions all over but she didn't verablly show it because that was only for the weak, she says. "Ah, Ms. Akashi, you're here, just as early as always!" Ms. Kien smiled in excitement, Senju didn't know but, Senju was her favorite patient. Ms. Kien looked at, Takeomi for a moment. It was obivious from her reaction that she didn't know who he was. "Erm, are you with, Ms. Akashi?" Ms. Kien questioned. Takeomi looked at the nurse, "Yes, I'm-" Senju interrupted him. "He's my elder brother," stated, Senju and she just kept on walking. To her this was starting to get boring because she didn't like talking to anyone, but her elder brother could be an acception. Takeomi didn't know what was going on. He was looking all over the place, his little sister then at, Ms. Kien. He didn't know what was going on here. "I-I'ma ju-just go," Takeomi bowed and left.

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Ms. Kien was just smiling and also bowed. She was in fact so happy that, Senju had a sibling. Anyways, Senju went to her room, a room she didn't ever want to be in ever again but, Tetta just loved forcing her. It was in fact just a check up on how, Senju's was condition was and how she was feeling, it was almost like thearpy but it wasn't thearpy and she knew it. For the fact that if she was in thearpy was would've never even went to that place however it was different in this situation, but was it really? Senju stared at, Mr. Ruleat so coldly. Mr. Ruleat just sobbed, "Senju! Don't stare at me like that! It's not nice to stare at someone so coldly you know?" said, Mr.Ruleat. "Get to the point, you're waisting my time," stated coldy, Senju. "Alright..." Mr.Ruleat made a sad face. Mr. Rulealt ask questions like any doctor would, about how she was feeling and about her conditions, if she gets enough sleep. It was questions like that which made, Senju realize how she just waisting her time here at, the hospital. Mr. Ruleat then left for a few seconds and came back. It was two shots. Senju hated taking shots because it would always cause her some kind of side affect. "It's time of the month, Senju," Senju showed her arm which is where her scars were. Mr. Rulealt gently grabbed her arm and put the shot. Senju stiffened for a second, she hated this feeling, it was the side effects kicking in too fast. The other shot went to her neck.

It's been a couple minutes since, Senju got the shot injected in her. Mr. Rulealt prescribed her with painkillers for any side affects and pills for her stomach problems. It was then, Takeomi came in the room, the atmosphere was weird, it wasn't tensed but it wasn't friendly either. He didn't know how to describe it really. Takeomi sweat dropped. "Uhh-um, Senju how 'ya feeling?" Takeomi questioned. "You must be Senju's elder brother, Takeomi, right?" Takeomi looked at the doctor. "Uhh yeah? Are you, Senju's doctor?" Takeomi questioned. "Yup! You seem really close to, Senju! She's told me some things about you, but don't tell her that," Mr. Rulealt mummered the last bits of his sentence. "How is she doing doctor?" said, Takeomi. "She is doing quite alright," Mr. Rulealt said Then, Senju left and so did, Takeomi, all the doctor did was wave and smile back at them. [Something is strange about him, I can feel it] Takeomi thought for second.

"Why are you still following me?" Senju questioned, Takeomi kept on following, Senju. It's been a few minutes since they left the hospital but, Senju was starting to get irrated, just who does he think is following, Senju like that. "I was thinking we could eat something then go to the park and get ice-cream," Takeomi finally revealed what was on his mind, not truly though. Senju just looked weirldy for a second, but Takeomi definitely saw it, he thought it was quite cute, he smiled a little. "Huh? What made you think I would agree?" Senju said. "Because... you're my adorable little sister!" Senju covored her blushing face. "Yeah no, we don't have that close of a relationship, yet," Senju composed herself. "Yet...heheh you want to hang out with me! But I'll leave you," Takeomi thought it was a win, the broken pieces were starting to glue itself. He waved, "I love you, little sister!" he walked the opposite way.


"I love you, little sister!" Takeomi's voice was all she heared. Senju widen her eyes. her stomach was starting to hurt again, she coughed, coughed blood. Love? She doesn't love anyone. Not him 'nor, Haruchiyo. Her head was starting to hurt quite a lot. These emotions, she didn't need them so why? Why did she want them? No, she didn't need them her only objective was to kill, Manjiro Sano, her revenge. That's right she doesn't need those emotions because all she needed was her revenge.

Aster is a flower that represents, love and wisdom, patience and beauty.

E N D Of Chapter 18

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E N D Of Chapter 18

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