𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡

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Dear diary...what is the point of living? Just to get beat up again and again not knowing why this is happening to you but it is. All I've ever wanted was to be friends with my big brother and his friends as well. Why can't I have that as well? Why do I have to live in h#ll? It's like being in an envorment where I have to hide and be scared, I don't want that! I don't want to be scared or hide, heck I don't want to be hurting. I know though, I know the reality, I know I'll always be hurting and hide away forever. It's unfair if only someone can save me from these scars I have.

 It's unfair if only someone can save me from these scars I have

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"You b#tch..." Mikey cursed at me. Then he started to hitting and grabbed my hair. He then took a piece of the broken airplane and started to make scars on the ends of both sides of my lip. "M-MIKEY! S-S-STOP! P-PLEASE! IT H-HURTS! AH!" I screamed in pain. He then went on top of me and started to beat the living death out of me until I started bleeding. I was crying . [What did I do to deserve this? First Haru then, Mikey, what next?] I thought.
"You B#TCH! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Then, Keisuke came and grabbed, Mikey's hands.

Moments before disaster with, Keisuke

"Huh? What the hell was that all about?" I told Draken as I was looking at him. "Huh? Beats me anywa-" Draken got interrupted and when we heard"M-MIKEY! S-S-STOP! P-PLEASE! IT H-HURTS! AH!" I looked at Draken and he did as well with our eyes wide open. [The f#ck, I know that voice, and, Mikey? What the h#ll is going on?] Ken thought to himself. "S-SH#T! Go Draken and tell Shinichiro to come! I'll try to stop this!" I said as I was running to where the scream was. "SH#T! yeah, I'll go!" Draken said as he ran to the other direction from me. I finally came to where the screams were only to find, Mikey on top of, Haru's little sister. I ran as fast as I could and grabbed, Mikey's hands. It wasn't easy though because he kept on resisting. "H-HEY STOP IT!" I said. Until he got out of my grip. Then, Haru came with a disgusted look on his face.

Moments before disaster with, Harichiyo

I was walking, trying to find, Senju but it was outta loss, she was nowhere found. Then suddenly I heard something or more like someone's voice."M-MIKEY....-OP....-T....-URTS...AH!" I knew that voice and I knew who it was, my little sister. I came running towards the scream until it became louder and louder until I saw my sister. I was shocked.I saw blood all over, Senju's body. Mikey also had blood on his hand and some on his body but I knew that wasn't his blood... it was, Senju's blood. "That's, Senju's blood isn't it?...right, Mikey?" I looked pissed and I was, I had every right to. "I'm going to f#cking kill you bastard! Didn't you tell me not to fight my, little sister but the minute I let lose you fight my little sister- no you hurt and attack my little behind my back. You lier! I'm going to kill you, Manjiro Sano! I trusted you bastard!" I yelled. Is what said but I was scared. [I don't know what to do]


I was on the floor crying my guts out. [The pain, the pain] was all I thought about. "Smile," Mikey said with an expressionless face. I started to smile even though I started to bleed more from the ends of my lip and hurt more because there were still some shards at the end of my lips. The more I smiled the more pain I felt, and the more pain I felt, the more I cryed. However this was my fault and, Mikey has the most reason to do this to me. [I'm such an idiot, Senju why did you do this to yourself] I thought. A tear came out of my puffed pink eyes.

"Laugh," Mikey said remaning his expressionless face. I did what he told me to do, I laughed. I had to, this was my fault. If he asked me to kill myself I would do so because it's my fault. "Haha.." I laughed. "More," Mikey demanded. "Hahaha..." I laughed more. "LAUGH MORE B#TCH!" Mikey aggressively yelled. "HAHAH!" I laughed not caring if I was bleeding anymore. There's no point in dwealing on the pain. "This is what happens when you break something that's not yours," Mikey said looking at me boredly. He's right, I deserved this, he's always right. "S-stop" Big Brother, Haru looked sadly at me. He looked like he was going to cry. "Why are you crying?" I questioned "I deserve this" I said and continued to laugh. "Stop!" Keisuke said sadly, and shouting. He too looked like he was going to cry. I don't know why they are crying though but I didn't care 'nor did I listen to them or more like I couldn't hear them anymore. "AHAHAHA!" I laughed continuously. I smiled, my blood has already covered my entire body, cloths and my mouth. My teeth covered with my own blood. Splattering all over the ground with my blood while laughing.

Until Big Brother, Haru ran towards me and hugged me

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Until Big Brother, Haru ran towards me and hugged me. "Shhh it's okay, it's okay" Big Brother, Haru said. I snapped and I looked at him. I thought he was angry at me. Then I stopped laughing and started crying hard. I looked at, Mikey for a second his face looked shocked and his eyes were back to their color. I tried to smile at him but everthing came back. The pain in my body, everything. Everything came back to me, all the fighting, the cuts, the pulling, and the yelling. I start to tear up and looked at Big Brother, Haru. "Oh Big Brother, Haru it hurts," I said, crying my guts out. "I know, I'm here now, Big brother Haru is here" Big Brother Haru said while comforting me. Oh how I don't deserve him, or anyone. I cried

E N D OF Episode 5 ---I drew the hair if your wondering

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E N D OF Episode 5
I drew the hair if your wondering. (I know it's bad)

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