𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐝𝐨 - 𝐃𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫, 𝐌𝐫. 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐭

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For a long time humanity has only ever thought gods, angles, and devils exsisted. While many others thought it was pure fantasy and an illusion in there head. When in fact there very much real, although scientificaly there was no solid evidence on that matter. In the end it was a matter of time when humans forgot the existence of such things. Although there's rare cases when a human takes control on one's emotions, there mind. Although it may conflict there mind, and one might say there a lunatic, they will be able to see what many can not.

My eyes are pure, my mind is not,

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My eyes are pure, my mind is not,

my angles are pure, for one should not,

they see the world, until they 'not.

Through this war,

is my own tourn war.

How I see,

is what I shan't see.

Senju wrote out in her notebook that the doctor gave her. The girl didn't do much for the most part, all she did was be in her room that she was given to, (although she can't even leave the room). Senju has not spoken to no one since the incident happened, which the girl could careless for, not like she knew any of the people that wanted to speak and have a conversation with her. Today was different though, the girl wanted to be outside once again. She in fact hated her room, her so called brother, her doctors, everything, she hated it. Although Senju doesn't know why she hated everyone and everything she doesn't seem to care for that fact. The fact was she hated everything but who she hated more than everyone was Manjiro- Mikey. She hated him so much for no reason, no purpose, it felt more like an instinct inside of her head. It told her to destroy everything that holds dearly to him, to make him suffer for what he did. But the real question is what? Whats this so called reason as to why she wants to destroy him? Why her head keeps telling her all these things? There was no reason inside her brain. In fact most of the stuff, Senju did was hearing stuff she didn't even understand, but she didn't give a sh#t. She paid no mind onto the questions.

Senju was writing things on her notebook when suddenly the door opened. Senju looked to her left just knowing who the f#ck disturbed her writing sessions. It was her good 'ol doctor, his name was Mr. Rulealt but everyone called him Mr. Rul for short because they didn't know how to pronouce his last name. Although it was strange, no one seemed to call him doctor even though he was. Senju looked at his feet all the way to his head. "Hello, Senju~ How are you today?" Mr. Rulealt said with a smile. The room was only introduced with silence. Usually this type of response from, Senju was a usual thing from her. "Hmm I see, well then lets have our usual check-" Mr. Rulealt said before getting interrupted by none other than, Senju. "I want to go outsid.," Senju said. The girl spoke with a very uninterested face. "Oh? Is that so, hmm? Well it's nice that your speaking I'm afraid that you can't go outside dear" Mr. Rulealt said, looking at the girl from head to toe. The girl hated his voice, his smell, his apprerence, everything but there was something odd about him.

Senju just looked at him as he was doing his usual check up on her. "Tch, I give you what you want doc," Senju said, disgustedly looking at him. Mr. Rulealt looked very pleased about this. "Hmm, ok but, you can't go outside yet, only on the rooftop," Mr. Rulealt said with a pleased face. "Fine by me, anything to get away from this damn f#cking room," Senju cursed. She was pissed as a of matter fact. She hated being in this filthy, digusting, dirty #ss room with germs and g#d knows what else. "Ah, still a foul mouth I see, well let me-" Mr. Rulealt said before he got rudely interrupted by someone who seemed to be a nurse. It was like slo motion to Senju, seeing the nurse running and then stopping, telling Mr. Rulealt something important or what seemed important. "Mr. Rul! Please refrain from touching the patient unless it's medical needs! You know the rules! Besides this would seem like your a pred#tor!" the nurse said, shouting. "Ah, no, no, there must be a misunderstanding, I simply just told her that she has a foul mouth for cursing, I don't see any problem with saying that right?" Mr. Rulealt said, explaining the situation.

Although some might not know, the nurse, who's called, Mrs. Kien has been trying to catch, Mr. Rulealt in being sexual with his patients. She has been suspisous eversince her cousin came out of this hospital. Her cousin acted very differently to her than usual, and you would think it was because of the car crash her cousin had. No. Not Mrs. Kien, because, Mr. Rulealt was the one taking care of her cousin. She knew he did something but she didn't know what until her cousin died two months later. When they found her body lying on the cold ground in her house they found out that she had sexual disceased. However knowing that fact, Mrs. Kien doesn't have evidence to show that fact. Although what, Mrs. Kien doesn't know is that Mr. Rulealt knows what she's been doing and her movements. It's quit creepy as a matter of fact but no one has any idea of his true motives."Tch, Ok, so it seems," Mrs. Kien said annoyed and left. "She's always like that, I don't know why though, hahah," Mr. Rulealt said laughing. "Well lets go to the rooftop," Mr. Rulealt said while waiting for Senju to get up.

 Rulealt said while waiting for Senju to get up

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E N D  Of  Chapter 10

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