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My plan is simple, be in a gang at the top of Tokyo with the most powerful delinquents, Mikey. Only this can and only this can get her to love me, Hinata Tachibana. However for some time someone has been inverning in my plans and has been messing with my plans. Takemichi Hanagaki, that son of a b#tch always gets in my way. He even took Hina away from me! If he keeps on interveaning with my plans I'll eleminate him for good. Now that I have, Senju everything will go my way and has gone my way infact.

It's been a month since, Senju's appearence and I don't have a good feeling about it

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It's been a month since, Senju's appearence and I don't have a good feeling about it. Something is going to happen, that's for sure. The way she said she was going to kill, Mikey was something. Takemichi has finally left back to his own timeline. I really wanted him to stay more, I do like his company as his 13 year old self but I like his future company more because he's more mature than his past self. However I'll never tell him that because he'll just mess with me. I just hope everything is great in the future and I hope whatever is happening now is over with. I also hope that nothing bad had happened throughout in the future, at least I hope...

As, Chifuyu was walking towards, Takemichi, Chifuyu saw him punching a tire wheel. Chifuyu was certainly confused of, Takemichi's attitude. "Hey what are you doing dude?" Chifuyu questioned, Takemichi who was still punching the tire wheel. Until he answered his partner with aggresion. "I need to become stronger!" Takemichi yelled- no he scream his guts out and continued to punch the tire wheel. Chifuyu was certainly confused about his attitude. [That's not him right?] Chifuyu questioned. However there some kind of doubt telling him that it was a lie but there something telling him it was him. Chifuyu just kept on thinking. [No he left, it couldn't possibly be him] Chifuyu kept on thinking and doubting, while, Takemichi was just punching and punching until his hands were bleeding. Even so he kept on punching the tire wheel with all his might, while screaming how he needs to become stronger. That's when, Chifuyu snapped out of his thoughts and looked at, Takemichi before running towards him. "Hey what are yo- Hey! Stop that!" Chifuyu scolded, Takemichi."Let me go, Chifuyu the future is bad and I couldn't do anything because I'm weak! That's why I need to become stronger!" Takemichi yelled. Chifuyu then realized that his intuition was correct. However that made, Chifuyu then he realized that the future was bad otherwise he would be there with him.

"W-what happened to the future partner?" Chifuyu questioned. Soon, Takemichi stopped what he was doing and explained everything. "After everything that happened it wasn't even the worst part... the worst part was when, Senju killed, Izana...t-then killed herself with her gun in the process," Takemichi suttered, crying out loud, and head up. However, Takemichi wasn't done. "Senju said that if she couldn't kill, Mikey then she had to find someone who was closed to him, so she used him and killed him," Chifuyu was shocked by this, he had no words. The only thing, Chifuyu thought was [The future is so d#mn f#cked]. Chifuyu finally helped, Takemichi who was on the floor."I have to say...the future is f#cked but dwelling on it and punching a tire wheel while also screaming I need to become stronger is not going to get anywhere for you man" Chifuyu looked at, Takemichi. "And...B-baji-san would want us to keep going...so let's do this, Takemichi!" The two boys fist pump and start walking away from the scene.

It's been a few weeks since the incident, the incident where everything started going downwards for Toman. Eversince, Takemichi went back to the past everything has gone downhill. This Tenjiku gang beat up him and his friends, on top of that he met Tetta again! He thought he was finally done with him but he came out from out of the blue. Takemichi knew something... something big was going to happen anytime but the thing was he didn't really know when it was going to happen. For all he knew it could've happened in his smelly #ss room and he couldn't even do anything about that. However for, Tetta it was actually going quite the opposite for him. Everything was going uphill for him and he loved it. His plan to be the top was succeding more and more and he was loving this moment. He joined Tenjiku after he got fired out of Toman and became one of the excutatives. His plan to control everyone was becoming a success.

Right now, Senju was on her way to the hosptial. If she wasn't forced by, Tetta which would suprise anyone, espcially people reading would hate this. It's been like this eversince she got out of the hospital, she really didn't care that, Mr.Ruleat was nagging, in fact she was quite pleasant when she left that dump. However the reality is she was on her way to get her medicine to keep her insanity on check, it was one of the things why, Tetta forced her to get medicine. Although it seems heaven was not on her side because she saw someone she really didn't want to meet. As, Senju was walking towards the hosptial she spotted her big brother, Takeomi. He was the loudest if she could say so herself, he was a pain in the #ss. What, Senju would described him as, noisy, looks like a dumb#ss, is a dumb#ss, irratating, talkative. He was like an irrational number who never stops talking! Senju rolled her eyes and kept walking until, Takeomi had spotted her, he walked towards her. "Hey-" Senju didn't let him speak because she just kept on walking, ignoring him in the progress. Takeomi knew this was going to be a chalenge because he knew there was something going on with his little sister. It was something that he doesn't even know, yeah in all his years he has never seen this kind of behavior. Although there was something similar but he really didn't want to think that because he knew his sister wouldn't do that... drugs. It was something he didn't want to think his little sister was doing because he himself stop smoking, (well he's working on it) but he never did those kind of things. She looked really thin for her age and there was many scars everywhere on her skin. There was probably more scars beneath those clothes.

Takeomi just kept on pestering her until she finally looked his way. Her eyes were so lifeless, like if she gave up on her whole reason of living but he didn't want to think that. All he could do was pity her because he wasn't there, he didn't know, 'nor does he know why his little sister changed so much. "What do you want," Senju stated with a cold tone. "Come one, Senju don't call me that! Remember when you used to call me big bro, take, aw you were cute! Not that you aren't right now but you were a cutie when you were a kid, you know?" Takeomi spatted out. He was just so happy he was talking to his little sister. "Heh, you're weird," Senju said in a cold tone without looking at him. Takeomi's eyes widen, [S-she laughed] he wanted to cry, it's been a while but he had missed her laugh, her smile, her everything, just like, Haruchiyo. Takeomi wondered for a moment, how everything could have gone bad.

As he was going to speak he realized something, they were at the hospital. "S-senju... why are we at the..." Takeomi gulped as he sweat dropped. He looked at the builing in front of him then back at, Senju. "Hosptial..." Takeomi finished his sentence. Senju just looked at the doors from the hospital. "Heh, well brother, to take my medicine," Senju weirdly smiled at, Takeomi. His eyes widen, Takeomi for a moment thought, [It cant be...Senju is on...]

"Drugs..." Takeomi mummered.

Aster is a flower that represents, love and wisdom, patience and beauty.

Aster is a flower that represents, love and wisdom, patience and beauty

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E N D Of Chapter 17

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