𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐲, 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐮𝐫𝐚?

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Dear diary, Today I don't feel great. I just wanted peace with my brother. I never thought he hated me. I always believed he loved me as his little sister, somewhere deep inside his heart...but I was wrong. I somewhat feel betrayed and embarrassed and most of all...misery. I know I'm getting too emotional and maybe dramatic, one might say but I can't help it. Why?...why? It's not my fault. I never did anything wrong, yet I feel like it is. If it weren't for me big brother wouldn't have been yelled all the time. I don't know what to do. Maybe it's best if...if I stopped interacting with him. It's probably for the best.

I saw a toy airplane in front of my direction

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I saw a toy airplane in front of my direction. [I'll play with it, to get my mind off things] I thought to myself. If only I knew that playing with that plane was going to change my life...forever. "VOOOM, VOOOOM, VOOOOOM, hahaha! This is fun!" I was heading to a hall, still playing with the toy airplane until- BANG! I fell "Oww that hurt!" I shouted. I started to get up until I saw the toy plane broken into pieces. Then I saw I sprained my knee, it had some scratches from it.Suddenly I heard footsteps coming toward me, getting louder and louder until I saw who it was. It was, Mikey and by the looks of it, he didn't seem happy at all...

Moments before disaster with Manjiro

As I saw, Haru's little sister crying and running out of there, I shouted at Haruchiyo, "What the heck man! That's not cool! You should apologize!" I came at him and punched him in the face which then came to multiple punches as, Haru just stood there taking it. "SAY SOMETHING G#DD#MN IT! OR I'M GOING TO BEAT THE SH#T OUT OF YOU MORE!". "GAH, OWW!" was the only thing that came out of, Haru's mouth. Until he did say something, which shocked me a little. "GAH! AND WHY SHOULD I APOLOGIZE? IT'S HER FAULT, SHE EVEN ADMITS IT, HUH? WHY'S IT MY FAULT HUH?" Haru said breathing heavenly as he was grasping for air. "SO? SHE'S YOUR, LITTLE SISTER AND BESIDES DIDN'T SHE APOLOGIZE TO YOU? HUH?" I said shouting more. "Although it's very ridiculous how SHE apologized for something she can't control. Like YOU GETTING YELLED AT BY YOUR BIG BROTHER 'BECAUSE OF HER!' I just don't understand that man" I shouted at my friend.

I sigh, "Look man get your #ss together and just apologize to her already. You don't see me doing that to Emma or do you?" I said making, Baji, Ken-chin and the others go silent as they already were but the atmosphere was getting more tense by the second. "Y-yeah I should, I shouldn't have done that, that was pretty sh#tty of me huh?" Haru said with bruises on his face "It was and sorry I almost beat you to death" I said sincerely. "Eh it's okay, I deserved it for being a jack#ss," Haru said while grinning a little. "You did, dumb#ss! haha," Baji said laughing a little. "You have no room to talk dumbass as you were laughing at, Haru's little sister," Ken-chin said while beginning to get irritated. "H-huh? Did you see that? I-I mean..." Baji said trying to clear up what he just said. "Yeah, you even said a few things too, you jack#ss" Ken-chin said smacking, Baji on the head."That's enough, Draken, Baji, I'm hungry let's go inside and eat," I said as I was heading inside and, Ken-chin and, Baji came too. The others started to leave and, Haru went to the other direction as that's where, his little sister ran too.

Me, Ken-chin, and, Baji were heading to the kitchen when suddenly I heard BANG! "Hey did you guys hear that?" I said looking at the two guys behind me. "huh? I heard nothing" Baji said looking at, Ken-chin "I also heard nothing," Ken-chin said. "huh? Mikey are you on something?" Baji said looking at me. "What the h#ll Baji!" Ken-chin smacked, Baji behind his head."Hey guys go ahead without me I need to use the restroom," I said as the others just glared at themselves in confusion. [I swear I that I heard something] I thought. I started to walk where the bang came from [It could also be me or it could be, Shin cause he makes noises that are questionable, meh I should at least see just in case] What I saw next made me so f#cking pissed. I went to a hall when suddenly I saw the toy airplane that, Shin bought me in two pieces.I felt something inside me though but I didn't give two sh#ts I was pissed. [Who the f#ck broke my plane] I thought as I was walking closer to it. My face said it all, my emotions. Then I saw, Haru's little sister


I felt this aura coming from, Mikey, and it wasn't a good aura either. It felt like an 'I'm going to kill you if you touch me' aura which I didn't like. I was basically on the floor and just looked at him. "Who. Did. This." Mikey said as he was looking at me or maybe my soul. My heart pounded too many times for me to count. He looked different, like I said his aura was too, and most of all his eyes were white as well. "I-I-I..." was all I could say I was too in shock and scared. "I-It w-was H-Har-" I said but then I got interrupted by, Mikey. "You better not lie to me, I HATE liers"[Why was I going to lie? It wasn't, Haru it was YOU, Senju just say it. Maybe if you're honest then he might forgive you] I thought in my head. "I-It was m-me, b-broke it..." I said looking at the floor.

"You b#tch..." Mikey said. Then he started to hi-

 Then he started to hi-

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E N D Of Episode 4

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