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Yoongi glances at his surround, which is embraced by the pleasant sunbeams. It is a beautiful summer day, he had a heart to have a walk, which is why he's currently sitting on a crag by the sea. Every moment near the sea is aesthetic and it often reminds Yoongi his pleasant childhood, where he used to play here with his dad and his late mom. He sighs, the things that belong to past are unfolding again in his mind.

It was a rainy day and Yoongi was struggling with a math problem when the door of his room opened revealing his mother who always had a smile on her face.

"Yoongs, I'm going to the company...appa called me there..."

"Alright eomma!!! I'll be waiting!!"

The mother smiled at him, giving him a flying kiss which made Yoongi giggle. Of course, he was mama's boy the whole time. But he still regrets that moment. If he knew that would be the last time he will see his mother, he would make that conversation a little longer. He would hug her tightly. He wouldn't let her go.

He thought this all when he heard that his mother faced an accident that day.

From the day his mother became a star in the milky way, the Yoongi everyone knew changed. He became a cold-hearted man who didn't show any emotions or any affection to anyone. He started to hate his dad who called his mother for the company that day. He built up his own world and lived there all alone. It was blue and grey.

That was 10 years ago.

Now Yoongi has recovered a bit. While growing up, he understood that his dad did nothing wrong. He understood that the life is unstable as a drop of dew. But his emotions-least self was there still, he didn't bother to wipe it off from his soul. So much happened within 10 years and now he's trying to live a better life.

Catching a final glance of the sea, he finally gets up from his place. It has become quite darker now, so he decides to head home. Gazing around the busy people and the atmosphere around him, he suddenly felt how alone he is. He never was a fan of making friends, till now the only best friend he has is his father. Min Yeong-So. After sorting out the problem about his mother's death, he grew more fond of his father's presence. He felt like he's the only one he can trust without any misgivings.

Kicked back to the reality, he felt thirsty out of nowhere. He enters to a random café nearby. Taking a seat he's comfortable with, he glances around, finally spotting a girl who's approaching him to take his order. He feels familiar with this girl, for real he knows her. He has seen this girl in the cafeteria, which is a common area for both university and high school students. Most of the time she sits all alone, he never hasn't seen her with friends. But he has seen how a group of a students surrounding her suddenly and bothering her.

"What would you like to order, sir?"

Yoongi softly sighs at the girl who looks much younger to earn still.

"An oreo frappuccino please..."

The girl nods, bowing him politely before she leaves. Yoongi stares through the window, thinking about this known but not so known girl. Again, she's the one who brings him his drink. She places it on the table politely and was about to leave, but she is prevented by Yoongi's voice.

"Umm, don't think that I'm a creep but, you study at Daegu high school, am I correct?"

Yoongi himself wonders why his voice awake to make a connection with this little girl. The confused girl stares at him for a while before answering.

"Yes, sir. Is there any chance we know each other?"

"I actually study at Daegu university, I've seen you several times"

"Oh, nice to meet you, sunbae-nim"

The girl hesitantly greets him, now understanding probably he has seen her getting bullied too. But Yoongi exactly doesn't know what that group of students does when they encircled her, so he doesn't go any further.

"Don't be so formal. My name is Min Yoongi---"

"Min Yoongi?"

The girl's eyes have gone widen by now. She can't believe that she's standing infront of a famous and most probably the youngest CEO in Korea. Plus point, she now can remember that this person was the leader of the high school basketball team couple of years ago. She used to love his skills.

"Uhuh-you know me?"

"Umm-yes, I mean--sunbae-nim, who doesn't? I now can remember, you were the leader of the high school basketball team couple of years ago, right? I was fourteen back then, I loved your skills"

"Woah, nice to hear all of those"

Yoongi says while showing off his gummy smile.

"It's nice to meet you, now I have a friend, sunbae-nim...!!! I should go now, the kitchen needs me"

"Alright, oh my-- will they fire you for talking with a customer for so long?"

"They won't. At this time, customers are less. I'll take my leave!!!"

"Alright, don't be too formal next time!!"

Yoongi says with a smile, earning a one from her too.

"By the way, my name is JangMi!!!"

The little girl chirps and turns around, leaving back to the kitchen. Yoongi chuckles at her, finding she's adorable in his eyes. He feel a lot familiar with her, because she represents his high school life alot. He sat all alone during the lunch while all the other students had friends, just like her. He got bullied to a point he almost gave up on his blood, sweat and tears, and he assumes that she's going through that too when that group of students encircles her. Her name, it has a special place in his heart. He can remember how excited he was to name his younger sister in that name, whom he could not meet unfortunately as his mother had a miscarriage. The serendipity is indescribable sometimes. It can do wonderful things in our life, sometimes it can do the worst things ever. But living through his life, what Yoongi himself learned was that, an individual can change their destiny. He has changed his one by lot of effort, which has caused a better him. A better Yoongi. A better person.

Yoongi sips his drink in thoughts but quickly and stands up, trying to find his new little friend. When he could not find her, he assumes that she may be busy in the kitchen as she said earlier, so he leaves the café with a light heart, resuming his walk towards his house. He wonders how this girl opened up a soft spot in his heart for her, it is probably the connection he has with her name.

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