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"Yoongs, get ready!!! Our new family members are on the way!!!"

Yoongi's thoughts are interrupted by Yeong-So, his father's voice. He was reflecting the incident happened today. The way JangMi got bullied infront of a whole school. Sometimes his experiences and flashbacks crossed over his thoughts. Before entering the high school where JangMi studies for his final two years of college, he was getting bullied in the same way. Infront of a crowd, in many different ways, under hundreds of glances, he has experienced the same thing as JangMi, which is why he knows how she's feeling. He managed to overcome the trauma, stress and every crap bullying caused with a lot of effort and became a whole new person at his new school, which is why people out there don't know about his vulnerable side.

Yoongi gets up from bed to change into something more nice than the pair of shorts and the oversized t-shirt he was wearing. By reaching downstairs, he already hears his father's voice from the entrance.

"Please come inside...oh, Yoongs!!! You are here. This is my fiance, Kim JaeWon and this her daughter, Kim JangMi. Nothing wrong in introducing them as our soon to be family members, I guess."

Yoongi stands there all flabbergasted, couldn't peel off his gaze from his little friend, or, should I say that his soon to be sister now? A warm smile immediately decorates his lips, but the girl's mood is still dull and gloomy, probably because of the things happened in school. But her eyes look more than happy, Yoongi can say it. She signals him to stay silent, not to let the elders know that they know each other already, which Yoongi understood with a slight nod.

"What happened, Yoongs? Have you seen her by any chance? Because she studies at the same high school you went, since your university is there too---"

"No, appa. I haven't seen her. Please come inside, god, appa let them have a seat!!"

Yoongi exclaims, as he gestures them to come inside and be comfortable.

"Hey, Yoongi-ah...nice to meet you finally. Don't be hurt but, I've seen your mother in pictures, you look alot like her"

"Oh, don't worry, I'm fine. And thank you, it's nice to hear that we look alike"

Yoongi politely says, deciding to himself that he won't talk to her by any specific name till he feels it right.

"Yoongs, we would be glad if you and JangMi get to know each others a bit? Or you can talk with Mrs.Kim too,..."

Yoongi accepts his request, finally starting a conversation with JangMi's mother first. Somewhat inside Yoongi says that she's a good woman, who still cannot forget her late spouse completely, just like his father. But both of them have found a sort of comfort in each other, and Yoongi can say that they are true to their feelings and love, he very well know to read the people. She resembles his mother alot, Yoongi, for a while felt that his mother has returned in a different form. He loved that feeling.

"Alright, that was a really good talk. Well, Yoongs, since we look done with this talk, get to know about this little angel too. We'll prepare the dinner"

Yeong-So says, heading off to the kitchen along with Mrs.Kim. Yoongi finally stands up, approaching the girl who stayed silent the whole time.

"I can't believe this..."

He mumbles out with a smile, crouching down infront of her, taking her tiny hands in his larger ones.

"My first ever friend is going to be my sister"

He says, smiling at her warmly. She looks down at her lap without answering, making Yoongi confused.

"Yoonie, do you have a less suffocating place than this? Can we go there if you have a one?"

"Of course, let's go to the garden"

He says softly, leading her out of the house to the massive garden. They take a seat on a bench under a aesthetic light post, the cold breeze is embracing them time to time.

"Still hurt about what happened today in the school?"

Yoongi asks softly, earning a nod from the girl.

"That is past, JangMi. We are in the present. Forget the past, don't look back at it"

He says and JangMi looks at him with moistened eyes.

"Thank you"

"It's a simple thing. What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know. Will you listen to anything I will say?"

"Of course I will"

JangMi sighs, looking at Yoongi again as she was looking at her lap earlier, finding he's just watching her with soft eyes.

"My appa, his name is Kim JaeHyung. I have a very little memory about him. As my mom says, I was three when appa passed away. I can remember him playing with me, he loved eomma alot..."

She continues and Yoongi nods, gesturing her that he's listening.

"He passed away from an accident, so basically I grew up fatherless. Eomma worked so hard to manage everything. She's the best eomma in the world...

When I started kindergarten, children made fun of me for not having an appa. They often stole my food, and hit me too because no one was there for me. They threatened me to not to tell it to eomma. When I started schooling, it continued in the same way. When growing up, the ways of bullying became complex and different. I became a labeled victim for every one. I didn't have a bright childhood like others. Every one insulated me for not having appa. They called me a misfortune and I grew up too used to it. No one except you approach me to be friends. They consider me as a piece of unluck. I was out casted from everything..."

By now, tears are escaping from her eyes. She never hasn't confessed to anyone how she actually feels.

"Hey, don't cry...You are so strong to keep these everything for you"

Yoongi softly says, pulling her towards him.

"...a-and I met a new appa. I'm sorry if you don't like it that way. But I felt like I'm with an appa with him. He made me feel loved again. I feel happy with him. But I don't want him to be my appa. I'll trouble him, I can't loose him because of my misfortune"

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense. You will not trouble any of us, believe me. I'm glad that you told these everything to me. But you could've get help from eomma earlier. Why you didn't do it? You've bottled up too much, kiddo"

Yoongi sighs, not hesitating to caress her head in order to comfort her.

"Eomma has enough problems to worry about. I'm not worthy to be worried by someone"

"Don't say like that. You are worthy. And now you have me to worry about you. We'll be a family soon. I'll take care of you. Biological or not, it doesn't matter at all. I'll be your brother, a good one in fact. Let's stop crying now, shall we?"

He says, gently pulling her away as he wipes her tears.

"Don't tell eomma about this, please..."

"Alright, I won't"

Yoongi promises her, personally deciding that he can take care of this little precious soul in the best way.

"Thank you, Yoonie"

"Don't need to thank me. Now stop crying, or else they will think that I hurted you"

He chuckles, wiping her renewed tears. The girl looks at him relief, feeling a huge amount of weight has been lifted off from her shoulders. Just like Yeong-So made her happy even it's temporary, she's sure that he will be a good brother too.

"What about your little part time job?"

"Oh, I do it because I want to keep myself distracted from what happens in school..."

"You should resign, else my time with you will be reduced"

Yoongi says, making the girl chuckle lightly.

Later that night while having the dinner, Yoongi announced that he approves the marriage, which made the elders happy, because for JangMi, she accepted it a lot earlier, but with Yoongi, they know how hard it must be for him to accept the fact he's going to give space for a new mother role in his life.

Everything went better.

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