Jihyun is now conscious. JangMi who woke up from her nap for a chaos was sitting silently in his hospital room along with Yeong-So. Jihyun's hand was fractured and by now it has casted and his cuts on his every body part were treated. Yoongi and JaeWon was near him while comforting him, as the terrified boy is giving a statement for police. Of course, the Mins reported to the police about Jihyun for getting domestic abused and the whole police department has already started working on the case.

"Yeah, I need best lawyers. Money doesn't matter, I just want to keep that man behind the bars for the rest of his life..."

Yeong-So says through his phone, while JangMi keeps staring at Jihyun who's crying with almost every word he speaks.

"...yeah, appa was looking so furious because I entered inside at the wrong time..."

Jihyun says while sobbing, recalling the disgusting sight he saw; his father was making out with another woman.

"...and then everything happened so suddenly. Appa asked me about my marks like nothing happened after knowing it's beyond his expectations, he became a total monster!!! I can swear he never has hit me that hard. H-he's a monster!!! Not my appa!!!"

The boy exclaims while another stream of silent tears made its way out from his eyes.

"What connection you have with Mr. Min? You look like---"

"You shouldn't be concerned about that, officer..."

Yoongi says through his gritted teeth, which made the police officer go silent at the unnecessary question.

"If your job is done, you can go. I want this man by tomorrow morning, I don't care about your lazy ass workers hmm? You better don't show the cowardly nature of your department this time, I can buy it and kick you out if I want to..."

Yoongi growls at the officer, knowing how inefficient this department is. But they weren't mafias, they had to do everything legally.

Meanwhile ~


JangMi's soft voice grabs YeongSo's attention and he immediately kept his phone aside, seeing his beloved daughter who has tears in her eyes.

"What happened, baby?"

"Hyunnie is hurt and I don't like it..."

She says as she broke down into little sobs before burrying her head in YeongSo's chest. YeongSo rubs her back, glancing at the younger boy who looks traumatised and the way he's struggling to recall everything he went through as it's disgusting more than anything.

"Hyunnie will be alright, my love. We'll help him out, don't cry now hmm?"

He softly says as he places a soft kiss on her temple.

"Let's go out for a while shall we? We'll buy him something to eat..."

YeongSo says as he put her down from his lap. He places a kiss on her temple, leading her to the hospital cafeteria while pulling her in a side hug.No matter the age, she's still the little princess of their family; they'll adore her untill the very end.


Yoongi sighs, draping the blanket over younger kids who were cuddling closer. Jihyun was brought at their place after few more hours of observation. He places his hand on Jihyun's forehead to see whether he's alright and when his temperature feels normal he repeats the same action with JangMi, as she kept crying for hours. She's a sensitive and a weak girl, she easily gets sick just from a simple action such as crying straightly or skipping meals. The both things happened together today, so he's just concerned.

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