12 - Part 2

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A movie was playing on the huge television screen, but the person who kept whining for watch a movie has fallen asleep. Jihyun too, is dozing off sometimes and Yoongi glances at him, as well as at his sister who's sleeping peacefully in his embrace. He was about to wake them up, but he noticed how JangMi has started sweating badly within the last few second. Her brows are knitted together, making a deep frown on her face. She starts to mumble out things and Yoongi understands, she's having a bad dream.

"Hey, wake up, baby... What happened?"

Jihyun gasps at his voice, snapping his head towards the direction they were sitting. He turns off the movie, shifting closer to them to see his friend struggling with something.

"Wake up, kitten... You are alright..."

Yoongi further mumbles while tapping her cheek and Jihyun gasps when a stream of tears leaves her left eye.

"Hyung is she having a bad dream?"

"Yes, a bad dream, Hyun..."

Yoongi mumbles, gesturing him to stand up. The boy immediately nods and Yoongi lays her down on the couch, kneeling down on the floor beside her. Jihyun copies his action, watching the way JangMi's breath got picked up and her unclear mumbles increased. Of course, sometimes he experiences this too but he can swear that it's not much serious. Not than this.


"She'll be alright, Hyun...don't worry..."

Noticing his scared and confused nature Yoongi says, running one of his hand on his back too. He can understand, he's a kid and to him, seeing his friend in such a state is not pleasant at all.

"Baby...wake up now, look, Hyun is worried too..."

Trying to hide his own worry Yoongi says, shaking her lightly which finally woke her up. But she remains silent with tears streaming down from her eyes and they are fixed on the ceiling.

"Hyung why...--"

"Sleeping paralysis. Can you be with her for a while? I'll be back soon..."

Jihyun nods and Yoongi stands up, heading towards the kitchen to grab some water for her.

"Mimi...we are here with you. Don't worry okay?"

He mumbles, holding her hand in his, but not getting any reply or a movement. Yoongi returns within the next minute as he sits down on the couch beside her, wiping her tears from his thumb which made the girl gasp and get up finally.


She sobs, inhaling deeply before hugging Yoongi. Her breath shakes and she let goes of continues tears, hugging her brother in a weak grip.

"It's okay, love... It's over hmm?"

Yoongi says as he kisses her head multiple times. Jihyun settles down on the couch too, staring at Yoongi, virtually asking whether he's allowed to comfort her too, which made the elder boy chuckle a little.

"Look, Hyun is here too, now stop crying hmm?"

JangMi feels another caress on her head and she glances at her back, seeing Jihyun staring at her with soft yet worried eyes.

"Please calm down hmm? No one is going to hurt my baby..."

Yoongi continuesly mumbles and the girl finally calms herself down, still sobbing a little.

"Hyun, give me the water..."

Jihyun immediately nods, uncapping the bottle of water Yoongi brought earlier. He handed it to him, now placing himself infront of them. He stares the way Yoongi feeds her some water, as he handed it back to him. He silently holds it, watching the way Yoongi is wiping JangMi's tears and kissing her forehead multiple times.

"I'm k'ay Hyunnie...don't worry..."

Seeing Jihyun's worried face JangMi manages to mumble out, earning a nod from him.

"You were scared hmm?"

Yoongi asks from Jihyun, gesturing him to come closer too. He pulls him in the hug too, running his gaze between the younger kids.

"Wow, Hyunnie is our family member too..."

JangMi chuckles, earning a wide grin from Jihyun who has never felt the real warmth of a family.

"Yes, he's your best friend and for me, more like a younger brother..."

"I wish Hyunnie was my twin!!!"

"You still can be..."

Yoongi chuckles, not remembering a day JangMi recovered this fast after experiencing sleeping paralysis and all.

"Thank you hyung, and JangMi too... I never knew how a family time look like and how nice it is. Now I have another family!!!"

Jihyun chirps, his worry is replaced with the excitement and happiness, so does JangMi's.

JangMi gets down from Yoongi's lap, excusing herself to use the restroom.

"Hyung, I should go now..."

"Oh why? Join with us for dinner too, Hyun..."

"I'm burdening both of you..."

He says as he looks up at Yoongi, who has nothing in his eyes but a brotherly affection.

"No, never. You know what Hyun? It's been more than nine months, nearly a year JangMi is added to my life. From the beginning, I'm the only one who was there for her. She never had a friend because she was an ignored and a troubled child. But now seeing her all happy with you makes me relieved. She has another figure to stay beside her. You are not a bad boy with bad intentions, I clearly can say it..."

Yoongi explains the way he feels about Jihyun honesty, while the boy is listening to him carefully.

"It's true you are not a bad boy, but why you are lying? Don't think that I don't know how much you are holding behind that smile. I've mastered reading the people through, I've gone through the same phase too. My sister always expresses her weaknesses, worries and flaws, but you don't. Is it because boys are taught to pretend strong? Or not to cry? That's so wrong, Hyun. Just because you are a boy, you don't need to bottle up. You don't need to prevent yourself from crying. It's okay to express, we are humans with feelings after all..."

Jihyun stares at him with teary eyes, grateful for Yoongi's and JangMi's existence of his life. It's true that it's only been few months since they meet him, but seeing the way they've understand him way better than his own father makes him doubt who's his real family.

"I'll drop you. You can stay until night and enjoy your time here. JangMi said that she's your first best friend too, so yeah..enjoy a bit, Hyun... you've nothing to do even if you get home too..."

"Thank you, hyung... You understand me better than appa does..."

Yoongi smiles at that, patting his back back in assurance.

"You can reach me always. Just think that I'm your own hyung..."

"Alright hyung..."

"And, buddy... I'm not saying this to threaten you but, just know that I won't spare you if you do any unnecessary thing with JangMi..."

"Okay, I'll keep it in my mind"

The boy chuckles at him, not misunderstanding him at all. They spent the rest of the day while creating a bunch of memories together.

A/n- Heyyy cutieesss!!! How are you guys doing? Hope you are all fine.

A thing you would like to see in this book? Would you answer me?

Comment and vote if you loved my work. I appreciate it alot!!!

A lil spoiler: I've planned a common end which is in every sibling ff (I think so) for this book.

Byee byee!!! Be safe!!! Lob wuu❤

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