After spending a week with Yoongi, JangMi was slowly forgetting the things she was going through. She spent the days all carefree, having fun, watching movies, often oppa-JangMi hangouts and bickering around with him. She did not overcame everything, but she was succeed in forgetting a lot of things.

After a week of taking rest, the day JangMi should resume school has arrived.

"Baby, you should---"

Yoongi enters through the door while holding JangMi's uniform, but stops his sentence midway after seeing the already woke up girl who's starting at the ceiling silently. He keeps the uniform aside, placing himself beside her.

"Hey, anything wrong with my rose baby?"

JangMi fixes her gaze at him and shifts near him, as she placed her head on his lap.

"I'm nervous, oppa...can't I stay at home forever?"

"Well, oppa didn't expect to hear this from you..."

Yoongi says while caressing her head gently.

"...I just wanted you to take a rest, and seeing your progress throughout this week, don't you think you've won it already hmm? So why delaying more? Don't be nervous, just come to me if anything will happen..."

JangMi nods her head at his words, understanding she can't hide forever. He's true, she feels a lot better now, so it will be useless if she won't attend the school without any reason.

"It's alright if you want to stay, baby..."

"I'll go, Yoonie.."

She says confidently, straightening up herself.

"That's my girl..."

Yoongi cups her face between his warm hands, next places a kiss on her forehead.

"Get up and get ready now, I still have few steps to complete making the breakfast"

He says with a grin. Standing up, he leaves the room after asking her to be quick.


"Don't worry about a thing, love. Just come to me if anyone bother you, you already know my class right?"

Yoongi softly utters while walking in the hallway, noticing how JangMi's grip around his arm is tightening unknowingly with the each step they take to JangMi's class.

"Will anyone hurt me again, Yoonie? Please ask them to not to, I'm scared..."

She fixes her teary eyes on him while breaking into soft sobs, making Yoongi's heart clench with pain. An outsider would think she's so silly to break down because of the fear, but Yoongi knows this is not a fear. This is a trauma.

Yoongi pulls her towards a hug, rubbing her back gently.

"Shsh...stop crying, princess.... don't worry, nothing will happen to you...calm down..."

He says, noticing how her breaths getting unsteady instantly. He doesn't want her to get a panic attack here, so he keeps trying to calm her down.

"Yeah, that's one is never going to hurt my little one..."

He softly utters as the girl finally controls her sobs. She pulls away gently, wiping the tears off from her sleeves.

"This is a new start, so forget about everything which have happened already, hmm?"

He says after leaning forward to match with her height, earning a nod from her. They resume to walk towards JangMi's classroom, earning few glances and wishpers on her.

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