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JangMi's soft eyes run towards Jihyun who keeps staring at his report card. His eyes show nothing but fear.


JangMi softly mumbles, placing her hand on his shoulder with a gentle squeeze.

"What should I do now, mimi? Should I run away?"

"It's almost average, Hyunnie... even I got only a 70%, you are great..."

The boy sighs deeply, burrying his head in his palms in distress. He'll either end up in the hospital today after getting beaten up from his father, or he can die. 74 is the maximum mark he can gain with the maximum amount of his efforts, he was thinking hard of a way to explain this to his wasted father.

"Appa will end me today..."

He sounds like he's about to cry. JangMi couldn't do anything than grieving along with him.

"You can stay with us today, Hyunnie..."

"You think that appa will allow me to sleepover? No-Jangmi. He's well aware of my results!!! No matter how much that man drinks he's still aware of my goddamn results!!!"

"I'm sorry..."

The girl mumbles out, which made Jihyun sigh softly. He's venting his anger on the wrong person; he just now realised it. The very person who would always comforts him.

"I'm the one who should say sorry..."

The boy mumbles, sighing in frustration before putting his head on the table. JangMi looks at him with soft eyes, he notices how his hands are slightly trembling. She doesn't like to see him like this. Even it is a complete stranger, she doesn't want that stranger to be in pain, because she knows how hard suffering is.


"God, they will destroy the house today!!!"

Yoongi says to JaeWon as he approches the living room to see JangMi and Yeong-So playing around. The older Mins were back as a surprise as JangMi's vacation started. Yoongi takes a seat beside his mother who's zoned out.

"Eomma, where are you lost?"

JaeWon gasps, letting going a sigh.

"I feel horrible, Yoongs... she was dealing with so much, still I never knew..."

Yoongi's eyes immediately softened. He promised JangMi to not to inform about her condition to her mother, but at a certain point, Yoongi had to. He didn't tell particular things as promised but he had to tell when she got extremely bullied.

"...I'm a horrible mother!!!"

"No, don't say like that eomma!!! What do you think, being a single mom is not easy!!! You had to manage everything. And it was mimi's decision to not tell you. She's a strong little girl, I think she managed it well. There's nothing wrong with you in this... now everything is over, so don't assume things and stay in guilt.."

JaeWon gives him a soft glance. Although he's not her biological son, not her own flesh or blood, still she feels him so close to her heart.

"...You are the best eomma in fact..."

Yoongi giggles at her, as he lays his head on her lap. JaeWon smiles at him softly, caressing his fluffy hair out of her motherly affection.

"I was missing you, eomma... I couldn't spend the time properly with you..."

Yoongi whines, making JaeWon chuckle. Yoongi hasn't forgot his real mother at all, instead he's happy that he got a rare chance to have two mothers.

"Me too, Yoongs. How's the university? Everything is alright?"

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