19 - Part 2

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"Uhh... No."

The brothers say in union, seeing their sister coming out from the fit-on room while cladding in a beautiful frock, yet they considered it as too short and revealing. After spending few energetic hours in the arcade, Yoongi brought them for shopping as JangMi kept whining in the morning and Jihyun loved it too. However the girl sigh, feeling fed up with showing off uncountable dresses for her brothers whose protective modes are on.

"Oppa wae? I'm so tired now..."

She pouts and Yoongi giggles at her cuteness.

"Alright, this is the last one then. Go and change, we'll leave..."

JangMi's pout deepens at Yoongi's words. It's true that's she's tired, but she doesn't want this shopping session to end either. She was about to leave when Yoongi's phone rang and he went away from them, while Jihyun goes to another section in search of better clothes for JangMi and she went to the fit- on room to get changed to her actual attire. It took few minutes her to change and there wasn't any of her brothers to be seen nearby.

"The princess is alone..."

A man who was watching her the whole time mumbles delicately, as he casually approches towards JangMi who was watching for her brothers. JangMi didn't care about the man much and he smirks under his black mask, suddenly pulling the girl against the wall. She let goes a scream but the man's hand prevents her action and JangMi starts to wriggle in his hold, feeling disgusted by his touch and his warm breath which she feels closer to her face. She tried to use some self defensive steps she knew on him, but the man was quick enough to avoid them. JangMi's blurry eyes couldn't figure out who was this as his eyes were covered with his bangs and rest of the face was covered with a mask, but he somewhat feels familiar. Tears slip away from her eyes and she feels helpless now, but suddenly the man was pulled away from her and she fall on the floor, scooting herself away from them and hugging herself.

"Who the hell are you to touch my sister?!!!"

JangMi hears Jihyun screaming at the man and soon Yoongi joins them too, trying to take off the person's mask so he can see his face. But the man pulls both of them away, immediately running away. Yoongi was about to follow him but he couldn't care less about JangMi, so he just screams at the security to catch the person.

"Baby? What happened? Are you alright?"

Yoongi worriedly asks as he crouches down infront of JangMi who's already hugging Jihyun. But she says nothing and he exchanges a glance with Jihyun who looks equally bothered about what happened a minute ago.

"It's fine, everything is over hmm? Get up now..."

Both of the brothers help JangMi to get up and Yoongi goes to check out the things quickly, while Jihyun took JangMi out of the place. The security couldn't catch the man and Yoongi regrets for not bringing his guards with him for first time ever.

Who thought the family time will end like that?


"No, no need, Eomma. She'll be fine eventually..."

Yoongi says through the phone to JaeWon as he softly sighs, glancing at the room where Jihyun and JangMi was in. He renovated a room with a bigger bed and more space so he and his siblings could fit in it without struggling, as they were extremely clingy to eachothers including Yoongi who was literally hating physical affection.

Back at the mall while shopping, the call Yoongi received was from the older Mins, saying that one of executive staff member has passed away from an accident while journeying to meet some of their clients. Since he was working for them, the older Mins had to reach the staff's house and look after everything and they left immediately after receiving the news. Now they were feeling uneasy about what happened with JangMi, but they just couldn't leave everything all of sudden.

"I'm here, right eomma? I'll take care of her, it's not right to leave there out of blue, specially since he has passed away while working for us still..."

He softly says, he can hear JaeWon's worried voice from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah. Nothing bad like you are thinking happened, eomma. The man was just trying and---"

Yoongi sighs, placing his palm on his forehead in distress.

"I promise everything is fine, alright? JangMi will overcome it soon, she's still shocked with what happened. Mhm... Don't worry okay?

Yeah, then you can come tomorrow. Leave appa there, he will be home later. Then you can return by tomorrow evening. Alright, eomma let's do it that way. I'm hanging up, kids are alone..."

He softly sighs as he declines the call, after convinced by JaeWon. She said that she'll return by tomorrow evening, leaving the rest of the work in YeongSo's hands.

Yoongi shoves the phone inside his pocket, opening the door and entering inside. There he sees JangMi who's resting her head on Jihyun's lap while laying down and the boy keeps caressing her soft locks. He approches them as he crouches down infront of her, smiling softly at her.


"Yes, princess... You are alright now isn't it?"

The girl nods as she sighs softly, glancing at Jihyun who looks worried. Seeing her gaze on him he gives her a small smile and JangMi fixes her eyes back on Yoongi again.

"I'm fine. I was just scared and shocked with what happened. Please stop worrying, both of you..."

"We can't help it, Mimi..."

Jihyun says and Yoongi nods in acceptance.

"Yoonie... That man, he felt familiar for me..."

JangMi mumbles which made Yoongi frown.

"Familiar? How come---"

He let goes a sigh in frustration, feeling extremely worried about whatever happening with his sister. Her safety seems reducing with the every day passing by, today isn't the only day Yoongi felt weird about how safe JangMi is.

"You know what, baby? Just stop thinking about these everything hmm? I mean everyone of us should stop overthinking. We won't ever step out again without guards and right now that's the best thing we can do..."

"Hmm... You are right hyung...."

"Alright. Eomma said only she'll return tomorrow. It's already late, go to the sleep hmm? I have some work to do..."

JangMi and Jihyun nod in union and the girl straightens up herself first, as she sits crisscrossed on the bed before laying down.

"Yoonie, Hyunnie... Don't be upset about me. I've faced the worst than that... I'm fine now, okay?"

The boys remain silent, not finding better words to answer her.

"Lay down now hmm? Go to the sleep..."

Yoongi softly utters and JangMi nods, laying down on the bed followed by Jihyun. Yoongi leans towards them, first placing a kiss on JangMi's forehead and next brushing Jihyun's soft hair.

"Hyunnie too!!!"

JangMi chirps while pointing at her forehead and Jihyun just chuckles at her, placing his first official kiss on JangMi, his little sister's forehead. Yoongi giggles at their cuteness, the atmosphere is lighten up by JangMi herself.

"Now I feel better..."

The girl mumbles to herself as she closes her eyes and Yoongi shakes his head with a smile, fixing the blanket on youngers before leaving the room.

A/n- Please ignore the mistakes bc i couldn't recheck it.

My life is very eventful these days (with negative things) and I literally don't have a heart to write. Please be patient with me, I'm trying my best to resume writing like I used to.

Not gonna lie, bagtanless life feels hard. Af. I miss them sm :(

Do comment, it makes me happy than anything.

Hi-bye I lob wuu :>

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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