Jihyun deeply sighs, playing with his fingers. They were at the court and the boy couldn't help but to feel anxious. Still there was time for their turn and he was sitting along with Yoongi and JangMi in the waiting area, while JaeWon and YeongSo were having a talk with their lawyer.

"Your head still hurts? What's going on with you, baby?"

Jihyun hears Yoongi saying to JangMi who kept showing different symptoms of fever and cold since yesterday. He let goes a sigh, he feels his hand aching a little.

"Hyun, everything alright?"

Noticing the uneasy boy Yoongi asks and JangMi's attention shifts on him too.

"I'm afraid, hyungie..."

The boy mumbles out and Yoongi nods at him completely understanding his situation.

"Why are you afraid, Hyun? Everything is going to be sorted out today, you should be happy instead..."

The boys lifts his head up to see Yoongi staring at him with his usual soft gaze.

"Can I have a hug?"

Jihyun thought Yoongi will laugh at him-- a sixteen year old boy, for asking for a hug. But instead of the reaction he expected he feels himself in Yoongi's hug and JangMi jumps out from her seat, hugging both of them together while being careful on Jihyun's hand.

"Don't be afraid, Hyunnie!!! You are so strong, just stay strong for another few minutes like you stayed strong for this long..."

"Thank you, mimi..."

Jihyun softly mumbles, smiling softly at her. His mind was bothering about what will happen to him when the case will over because he knows that his father will certainly end up behind the bars. He wonders, he'll probably end up in an orphanage? Or on a random street?

"I wish they were my family. Mimi would be my twin as she said one day and Yoongi hyung will protect me like he's protecting mimi..."

Jihyun thinks to himself, but he did not word his thoughts. He already feels guilty for bothering them so much.


Someone interrupts their moment and Yoongi gently pulls away, leaving with the lawyer after asking JangMi to not to leave Jihyun.

"Hyung is so cool!!! Everyone respects him although he's young still!!"

Jihyun says, keeping his dull mood away for a while. JangMi nods as she sits next to him, placing her head on his shoulder.

"You should visit Yoonie's company!!! Everyone there respect Yoonie as if he's a king!!! There's a billboard of Yoonie in the city and we can have a clear view of it from his cabbin!!"

"Really? Can you ask him to take me there?"

"Yoonie loves you, so you can ask by yourself and he'll take you there. I don't like going there..."


JangMi sighs at that and Jihyun understood that she might be uncomfortable with sharing.

"It's okay, mimi. Take your time. I don't mind even if you will not tell me at all..."

"Mhm, I'll tell you later okie? So, does your hand still hurt, Hyunnie?"

"A bit. But it's fine now, it was hurting alot yesterday. I don't like this cast at all..."

"But you have to wear it for another week..."

"Well let's keep that aside. Are you sick, mimi? You look so tired since the day before yesterday, even at the school you know?"

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