"Oh hey!!! My baby is up!!!"

Yoongi who was preparing something JangMi loves in the kitchen chirps after seeing the girl who is approaching him while rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Yoonie, what's the time now?"

She mumbles after hugging him, which made him wrap a hand around her and continue cooking from the other.

"Huh..., it must be around 10.30 now..."

The girl's eyes widened and she immediately fixes her innocent gaze on Yoongi.

"Yoonie I'm suppose to be at school..."

"Uh, well. You should have some rest for yourself, love. Untill you heal completely both physically and mentally, I think you need some rest. I thought you would like to skip school for a week. Then get ready from tomorrow..."

Yoongi says while controlling his laugh, while JangMi shakes her head as no violently.

"No Yoonie no!!!! I want to stay at home, it's great.."

Yoongi chuckles, pinching her nose gently which makes her chuckle too.

"Look, I prepared something you like. I'll feed you, is that alright?"

JangMi nods, knowing that she won't be able to eat much if she will eat by herself. So she follows Yoongi like a lost puppy to the dining area, smelling the mouthwatering food he cooked.


"Hey, are you alright, kitten?"

Yoongi asks from JangMi, noticing her zoning out for the n'th time for today. The girl nods with a slight smile, while her eyes say completely different feelings than her smile.

"No you are not. You can't lie to Yoonie, got it?"

JangMi sighs, leaning her head on his shoulder as they are sitting.

"I can't forget the things happened yesterday, Yoonie.... help me please..."

"This is the second time I'm saying this to you, baby...don't turn back and look at the past. I know it's hard, but just try to focus on the present moment hmm? Oppa is here to support you..."

"I know Yoonie...thank you. You are the best oppa..."

"Oh am I?"

Yoongi giggles, booping her nose with his finger. The girl fixes her gaze at him while smiling softly.

"Aigoo that smile of yours!!! It makes you sooo beautiful, so keep smiling"

JangMi giggles at that, her cheeks are tinted in slight red because of Yoongi's compliment. No one ever has said that her smile is beautiful. Instead, everyone desired to see her tears and pain.

"Aye aye...look who's blushing!!! It's my cute rose..."

Yoongi plays along mischievously, making the girl punch his side arm which he did not feel at all.

"Fine fine, enough of silliness... but I wasn't lying, princess...your smile is beautiful so you should keep smiling. By the way, should I take you out? I think it's a good idea..."

"Out? Where will we go, oppa?Uhh...I don't have any idea..."

"That's fine, I know bunch of good places. Now go and get ready in something comfortable..."

Yoongi makes her stand up, next drags her to the room, being mindful to not to hurt her bruises. He just want to distract her from the gloomy and unpleasant mood she has been clinging since yesterday.


"Do you visit here often, Yoonie?"

JangMi asks while inhaling the breeze that flow across the sea.

"Mhm. I do. This place is so aesthetic and it helps me to calm down..."

"That's true, oppa...I feel calmer now. But do you have things that bother you? Why you need to calm down?"

Yoongi chuckles at her, giving her a nod as he pulls her in a side hug.

"Will you believe if I say that I used to get bullied just like you, and had severe traumas, stress or whatever you call it?"

The girl shakes her head as no in astonishment, fixing her gaze on Yoongi who has a soft smile playing on his lips, while his eyes give a look of endearment to the sea as if it is his best friend.

"The truth is, I passed that phase, just like you. I used to be in the same situation as you, baby. That's why I understand how you are actually feeling, and I can help you more effectively..."

"I'm-I'm s-sorry...I didn't w-want hurt you, Y-yoonie..."

"I know, love. When did I say like that?"

He kisses her temple gently, looking into her adorable eyes that are covered with a thin layer of tears.

"You didn't hurt me at all. You know what, princess? I passed that phase with so much effort and with the help of appa, now I'm all good except few little cross overs I experience time to time. Now that you have me, you can do it too. I'll be your remedy..."

"I'm sorry, Yoonie. I was only thinking about me and vent out everything on you without knowing your bitter experiences... I'm such a bad sister---"

"Woah, stop right there, kitten. You should keep in your mind that you can reach me. You should, in fact. You weren't thinking only about yourself, I'm glad that you opened up and accepted my help. And, you are the most amazing sister in this whole universe. Got it?"

JangMi nods, her eyes are fixed on him with the gratefulness filled in them.

"Promise oppa to share your thoughts and not to bottle up..."

Yoongi says while extending his long pinky, soon it is wrapped by a tiny pinky which belongs to JangMi.

"That's my girl...now keep that sadness away, I want you to be happy.."

Yoongi says in a tone of a complaint, suddenly tickling her sides which made her squirm and wriggle on her place while giggling loudly.

"Alright, let's get going now..."

Yoongi says as he stands up with a wide grin, extending his hand towards JangMi who's catching up her breath. Soon she holds his hand, she starts a little talk about something which made Yoongi listen to her with never ended giggles, as he found it too childish and adorable. He loves her childishness alot.

"Let's buy some snacks for my baby. Don't reject okay?"

Yoongi says, preventing JangMi's protests that were about to leave her mouth. She finally nods, stepping inside the convenience store, her hand is still clasped in Yoongi's. Yoongi buys her alot of snacks she loved, next adds a few he liked too.


"Thank you for today, Yoonie!!! I feel relieved and better now..."

JangMi says, earning a chuckle from Yoongi. They were walking back to home after spending a day which was filled with memories; feelings and confessions about their inner selves.

"I think you should be thankful to yourself for being strong, baby..."

"If that what you want to tell me, then I'm thankful for you too for not giving up back then...You are strong, which is why I'm feeling strong too..."

She mumbles, giving him a glance which is filled with love and gratitude. He sighs, patting her head as he suddenly feels so touched by her words.

"By the way, wanna try some corndogs?"

"Yes yes and yess!!!"

Yoongi giggles at her, again changing their destination towards a street food shop which he loved so much.

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