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"Oh, Yoongs!!! Where had you been, son? I was worried!!!"

Yeong-So exclaims, rushing towards Yoongi who just entered through the main entrance.

"I'm not a kid, appa...stop worrying!!!"

Yeong-So nods, while Yoongi is giving him his tiny smile. Although his voice and words look zero emotional, they were actually not and Yeong-So already knew that. He has understood, love language isn't his son's thing.

"Well, you are correct. You are already 20, and that's really an age. By the way, are you tired? Can we have a seat and talk for a while? It's really important"

"Mhm. Sure, appa"

Yoongi nods, gesturing towards the comfortable living room. Yeong-So takes lead, placing himself on a comfortable couch. Yoongi sits across him with a slight frown on his face, realising his father is becoming anxious with the every second passing by, with the every second they are about to start the conversion.

"So, Yoongs...I have a really important thing to share with you..."

Yoongi nods awkwardly, gesturing him to continue.

"I'm in a relationship..."

Yoongi's eyes went widen, he fell into utter shock for a while. How can his father date another woman despite his mother? Doesn't he love her? Was that everything a lie?

"Listen, son. This might be too hard you to take in at once but, let me remind you this. It's been 10 years. 10 years since your mother, my beloved wife passed away. From that day, I only focused on you. I focused on your growth, your health, your heart, your education and everything. Now I'm--uh--feeling tired. I need a support too. A support which is different from the one you always give me. While my heart was finding this support, I met Mrs.Kim, her husband has passed away. She is a marketing manager at a famous company, we met each other through a project. She has a daughter, she's just sixteen still. I tell you all of these straightly because, I want you to think about this. Then let me know about your favour, so that I can go ahead and marry her..."

Yoongi blinks several times in confusion. He feels like his father is blabbering something stupid against his ears.

"So, you don't love eomma anymore?"

Yoongi asks, making Yeong-So sigh.

"It's not like that, Yoongs. Please try to understand...and if you don't like this, just let me know. My son's feelings are more important to me"

He says with a tiny smile, standing up from his seat. Before leaving he gives a gentle pat on Yoongi's shoulder, which made him snap out his thoughts. After Yeong-So left, the atmosphere became silent and Yoongi gets tangled in thoughts again.

"Should I let him marry again? Or shouldn't I? Yeah, he should be faithful for eomma throughout his life...but-wait...he is a human too. He has feelings too. Aish, stupid me!!! How can I even think about such an evil thing about appa? He should go ahead too. He was right, he needs a support too. He sacrificed many things for me, now it's time to give him what he loves. Plus, having two mothers won't harm me. And a little sister too, I would be glad to have a sibling. I started my life newly two years ago, this will be a more beautiful restart. Don't worry eomma, appa still loves you. I know that...so, eomma, let's support appa!!!"

He thinks to himself, finally getting up with a smile on his face. Although he felt disheartened by the sudden revelation, next he thought that he's being selfish by not letting his father spend the life he wants.


Yoongi enters his room, finding him sitting on the bed while staring at the night sky.

"Oh, Yoongs..."

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