JangMi's right leg bounces up and down unintentionally and she nibbles on her lower lip, focusing on the road side through the car window. This didn't go unnoticed by Yoongi who was driving because usually their car rides feels a lot alive than this. He softly sighs, catching JangMi's attention by placing his hand on her thigh.

"What happened, baby? It's just an exam, you don't need to be this anxious..."

Yoongi softly says, still focusing on the road and driving from his other hand. Before replying him JangMi removes his hand from her thigh and clasps it in her hand and Yoongi immediately secures it, softly caressing her knuckles.

"But this time, it's different, Yoonie. Exams was the least concern in my head in past few years as I was so busy suffering. But this time it's different. I have no worries at all, I have you, I got a smart friend and you kept helping and teaching me alot. It doesn't feel right to score low..."

She mumbles, finally wording her thoughts that kept bothering every now and then.

"But you worked hard, baby. I witnessed it with my own eyes. The way you reduced your sleeping time to the way you reached me whenever you had doubts, I witnessed these everything. So what if you score a little low this time? You can be happy just by the attempts you put in this. I'm satisfied just by your attempts, so you should feel in the same way too..."

JangMi listens to him carefully and Yoongi finally reaches the institute and parks the car.

"Score is just a number, you don't need to stress yourself this much. You are just so perfect, I'm really proud of my baby..."

Yoongi softly utters after cupping her face and his words end with a forehead kiss. JangMi stares at him with moistened eyes as Yoongi let go of her and turned off the engine.

"Come on, let's go now hmm? You can do this, oppa knows it!!!"

Encouraging her more Yoongi chirps, getting down from their car. JangMi repeats his action and clings to his hand, smiling gently at him while telling how much his words meant to her. Her worry dies down a little and she feels much confident now.


Yoongi was waiting in the cafeteria for JangMi while scrolling through his phone, as he's done with his lectures more earlier than the other days. His attention shifts towards the kids who are leaving the high school side while whining and cursing on the papers and some teachers. He shoves his phone inside his pocket and gets up from his seat, his eyes are soon met with JangMi and Jihyun who are discussing something very seriously.

"Hey, kitten!!! How was the exam?"

Yoongi says while securing JangMi's tiny frame in his embrace, as she straightly went to his arms after approaching him.

"It was so complex, oppa... I completed almost every question but there were few I couldn't do..."

She says with a pout, her eyes are glistening with tears as if she's about to break down.

"Don't worry, princess... I'm sure you'll get a good result..."

Yoongi says while rubbing her back, his attention next shifts on Jihyun who's starting at them with soft eyes.

"Aye, Hyun...why are you standing there? Come here champ!!!"

Jihyun was taken aback with his affection. Not even his father calls him by a sweet word like Yoongi and JangMi do. When he was too stunned to respond, JangMi giggles, dragging him by his hand.

"Come here, Hyunnie!!!"

She giggles and approches Yoongi again and he chuckles too, holding the younger kids in a side hug as he threw his hands around both of their shoulders. They start to head towards their car.

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