"Ouch!!! You are hurting my hair, Hyunnie!!! Be more gentle!!!"

JangMi shouts at Jihyun who keeps trying to learn how to braid the hair.

"Then I won't do this, Mimi!!! You are the one who asked me to braid your hair and now don't complain about it!!!"

Jihyun says as he assumes a fake annoyance, letting go of her hair. His cast was removed today and by now, JangMi's fever has reduced a bit.


JangMi pouts as she scoots to a corner of the bed and hugs herself.

"I'm not the meanie. I wouldn't have even do that if you aren't sick!!!"

"So what if I'm sick or not? You still have some responsibility of taking care of your sister and you don't need to do that out of sympathy, bro!!!"

"Okay, rela--"

"Go away!!!"

JangMi yells as she grabs a pillow and throws it on his face. It didn't hit on Jihyun and landed by the door frame, where JaeWon, YeongSo and Yoongi were standing.

"I thought you kids are not fighting!!!"

YeongSo exclaims as he entered inside after grabbing the pillow.

"Appa!!! Eomma!!! You both are back!!!"

JangMi screams in excitement but soon regrets as she fits in to a wave of coughs.

"Woah, don't talk too much, princess. Yoongs said that you are still not recovered completely..."

YeongSo says as he sits down on the bed and JangMi shifts closer to him, taking slow sips from the glass of water YeongSo gave to her.

"Mimi is being really cranky when she's sick, baby. Don't mind her..."

JaeWon says as she hugs Jihyun and the younger boy just nods at her.

"It's okay, eomma. Siblings do fight!!! That doesn't mean that we are bad kids!!!"

"Okay, if you say so..."

The mother gently chuckles and Yoongi giggles too, as everyone gathered on to the bed and started talking about the youngers' health.

"Come here, I'll braid your hair really quickly, princess... and Hyun, watch me if you want to learn it..."

Yoongi volunteers to braid JangMi's hair as her ultimate wish as the parents left to fresh up after talking with the kids for a good long time. Jihyun nods, shifting closer to them with a wide grin.

"You wanna try it too?"

Yoongi asks after giving Jihyun a whole session of the way of braiding the hair and Jihyun nods this time, as he gently untangles JangMi's braids.

"Is it Hyunnie this time?"

JangMi asks and Yoongi nods with a giggle, making Jihyun smile in satisfaction.

"And... done!!!"

Jihyun chirps after securing the braid with a hair tie and JangMi giggles along with the brothers. Of course it's not neat like when Yoongi does her braids, but unlike the first time Jihyun didn't hurt JangMi and it was less messy than the previous time.

JangMi was being the princess of the brothers' from the real sense of the words.


"Why are you so tall?"

JangMi whines as she tries to reach to the packet of chips which Jihyun is holding upon his head.

"You are the short one!!!"

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