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This chapter mentions school violence and a little bit if bad words. You've been warned, leave if uncomfortable!!!

After a finely spent holiday, Yoongi wakes up to get ready for the university. JangMi was still asleep, her clothes are rode up and Yoongi adjusts them properly with a chuckle. He kisses her forehead and covers her with the blanket.

"Hey, wake up, princess..."

Yoongi attempts to wake her up after he's done with his morning routine. She groans, hugging his body.

"It's not the time to sleep, kitten...you should wake up"

He sighs softly, patting her side arm to wake her up.

"You'll be late for school, baby..."

"No school..."

JangMi mumbles, finally opening her eyes and fixing them on Yoongi.


"That place is so scary, Yoonie..."

She says in her sleepy voice, making Yoongi caress her head.

"But that's not possible, love. You should go there to learn well. Now get up, we are going to go together from now on isn't it? Aren't you excited mm?"

He says as he kisses her forehead, earning a nod as no from her. However she straightens herself up, she can't hide herself forever.

"Thank you, Yoonie..."

She says with a smile without a particular reason and kisses his cheek, heading to fresh up. Yoongi lays there for still for a moment, wondering about this school thing. It will be the last time of them bullying if they lay their hands on his sister. It's his final decision.


"Here we are...let's meet at the cafeteria for the lunch hmm? Be a good girl and study well, my pretty sissy..."

"I will Yoonie"

JangMi smiles at him, while Yoongi pats her head gently. He let goes her hand and waves at her, finally leaving after dropping her from her class.

"Oh, our ugly duckling is here!!! How did you find such a handsome boyfriend with that ugly face of yours!!"

Her bullies laugh sarcastically, blocking her path.

"H-he's not my b-boyfriend..."

"Woah, look at her!!! Talking back with us huh?"

A girl says while stepping forward and grabbing JangMi's hair. Her eyes got teary, which made the other girls laugh.

"I got dirt on my hands!!! Go and sit, you stupid fellow!!!"

She says while pushing her away, which made JangMi fall down and hit her body on a nearby desk. She gets up, rubbing her shoulder which hit hard on the metal material. Wiping her tears, she takes her seat in a corner of the classroom and silently places her head on the desk.


"Oh, look who's here!!! It's our ugly duckling again!!!"

The three girls says, seeing JangMi washing her face in the restroom. The school is already over, she met Yoongi and handed him her bag, saying that she needs to use the restroom. Unfortunately, today she should've just leave the place.

"Well well, ugly duckling. Why are you here today? Nevermind, the school was really stressful, I guess we can vent out on this bag of garbage today!!"

One of the girls says, stepping towards JangMi. She backs away from them, finally hitting her back on the cold wall behind her.

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