JangMi has been silent the whole time she was in the hospital to get her wounds treated and the way for home. The only sound that escaped from her mouth was an almost inaudible protest when she had to broke the hug with Yoongi in the hospital when it's time to treat her wounds.

"Here, drink this baby..."

Yoongi holds a glass of water infront of her and she greedily gulps it down.

"Slow down, princess...you'll choke"

Yoongi softly mumbles, rubbing her back gently. After she's done, he helps her to remove his jacket which she was wearing the whole time. A hiss leaves his mouth, studying her bruises.

"Those bitches!!!"

He curses in his mind, anger is visible on his face. However his anger expressions shifted into soft ones when JangMi fixes her moistened eyes on him.


"Yes, baby?"

He softly answers her, pulling her closer in his embrace, being careful to not to hurt her.

"I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry, love? You shouldn't be...."

"I'm so weak..."

She mumbles as a stream of tears make their way out from her eyes.

"...I'm so weak, oppa. What would I do if you didn't reach there any sooner? Then my pictures will be everywhere by now. I can't defend myself, oppa. Even though I am experiencing this since I'm small, I'm still unable to protect myself. I'm such a looser..."

She mumbles while staring at the empty atmosphere, recalling the way she just welcomed their shots even without an attempt to avoid them.

"You are not weak, sweetheart..."

Yoongi says, sighing softly. He wraps his arm around her shoulder gently and kisses her temple in order to comfort her.

"...think very well before answering this, alright? You are experiencing bullying since you are little and I'm sure that you've tried to stop those stupid people...have you?"

She nods silently.

"But each an everytime, I'm sure there were more than one people, and all you received might be another bunch of torturers for standing for yourself. That fear is the thing that's holding you back from fighting. So in fact, you are not weak or stupid as they say or you think. You are a real fighter. But you are too busy to admit that you are a fighter because of these chaos. I'm not saying this is good but, you don't share your feelings often, which means you are fighting to keep them to yourself. Even now, you are fighting against the pain you are going through. So you are not a weak little girl..."

Yoongi gently says, while the girl keeps listening to him silently.

"...if you still think that you are weak, that's fine too. Because you were so strong for this long, now it is the time to take some rest. You have me to relay on, I'm more than glad to take care of this little petal.."

He says with a soft smile, standing up from his seat. He wipes her tears away gently, carrying her up in his arms as he approches towards her room.

"Go and fresh up, we have to apply the prescribed medicine on these. After that, I'll feed you something really delicious. Agree?"

JangMi nods with a tiny smile and Yoongi ruffles her hair, earning a pout from the girl which made him giggle. He grabs her something comfortable to wear, next he steps into the kitchen to make something she loves to eat.


JangMi was sleeping after a long day, hoping her tiredness to vanish, while Yoongi was working in his office room on some documents. The girl was fighting with another nightmare, cold sweat is breaking down on her forehead. She softly whines while a tiny, almost invisible stream of tears is escaping from her eyes. She woke up suddenly, she feels the room is suffocated and out of air. Although she wants to scream out loudly and snuggle herself in Yoongi's embrace, she could not move a muscle. She was experiencing sleeping paralysis after a long time. Starting at her side she remains still, by now her tears are pouring out from her eyes. She hears wishpers and soon it grows to screams which curse on her. She tries hard to move her limbs, but nothing seems working. She sees a huge black shadow approaching her and hovering above her. Her eyes widened, as the shadow grabs her by throat. Suddenly the light increases, next she hears someone running towards her. The black shadow vanishes away and with a scream, she settles down on the bed, pulling herself to a corner and hugging herself in a ball.

"Baby, what happened?"

Yoongi immediately sits down beside her on the bed, gently pulling her towards his chest. He feels her heavy breaths, he immediately guesses that she was experiencing sleeping paralysis a few seconds ago.

"Hey, nothing happened, baby....no one is going to hurt you hmm? You should calm down"

He mumbles as smooth as possible, caressing her head and rubbing her back. JangMi keeps running her gaze around the room cautiously, her sobs are increasing upto a point she starts to breath through her mouth.

"Nothing happened, love...please calm down...look, oppa is right her with his baby..."

Yoongi turns her face towards his, cupping her tears soaked cheeks with his warm hands.

"You can hear me right? Talk with me, kiddo..."

He gently says, caressing her head and kissing her forehead in repeat. The girl's lips mumbles out something inaudible, making Yoongi worried and relieved at the same time.

"You are alright now mm? No one will hurt my kitten...breath with me alright?"

JangMi nods and Yoongi kisses her head a one last time before starting some breathing exercises. She follows him, gradually calming down.

"Yeah, that's my girl....you are alright now..."

She immediately burried her head in his chest as he secures her tiny frame in his embrace.

"S-something tried to kill me..."

The girl mumbles, sobbing silently in his embrace.

"It was just a bad dream, no one will hurt my baby..."

He consoles her, feeling an amount of guilt. He shouldn't have left her behind considering the situation she was.

"Go back to sleep okay? Yoonie is right here with you..."

Yoongi gently utters after feeding her some water. The girl places her head on his chest again and he adjusts his position, leaning on the headboard and making the girl more comfortable in his embrace. After gasping and waking up and looking around cautiously few times, JangMi was finally asleep due to exhaustion. Yoongi keeps caressing her head, thinking about her bullies. Now that they are gone, he hopes that she'll be fine at school when she resume attending it. But he already decided she needs some rest, he understands she's worn out, both physically and mentally.

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