Prologue: A Stoic Presence

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Location: Fujimi Academy; Archery Club

The morning sun shone brilliantly over the bustling streets of the city, casting a golden hue on everything below. A gentle breeze carried the sweet fragrance of cherry blossoms, as they fell delicately from the trees, creating a floral carpet on the pavement.

Birds chirped joyfully in the trees, while students chatted and laughed on their way to school. Inside the school's Archery Club, our protagonist, a young man with silver hair and black strands at the back, stood with a bow and arrow in hand. His sharp orange eyes focused intently on his target, while a lollipop rested comfortably in his mouth.

The serene atmosphere was broken by the sudden sound of an arrow hitting the target with pinpoint accuracy

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The serene atmosphere was broken by the sudden sound of an arrow hitting the target with pinpoint accuracy. The young man's precision was a testament to his skill, and his movements were both fluid and graceful, in perfect harmony with the environment around him.

The cherry blossoms continued to fall, adding to the beauty of the moment, while the bustling city outside faded into the background. As he lined up for another shot, he was fully immersed in the art of archery, at one with his equipment and his surroundings.

As the boy continued to shoot, he felt a sense of wonder wash over him. 'This is really peaceful,' he thought, his momentum unbroken by the sudden realization. This was his third year of high school, and he had been practicing archery for two.

What had initially begun as a way for him to avoid cleaning duties at school had evolved into something he enjoyed. As he continued firing off arrows, the bell rang, interrupting his focus, causing him to miss his target.

With a sigh, he set down his bow and arrows before heading towards the lockers to take a shower and change. As he walked inside, he opened his locker and grabbed his towel and bathing products.

Suddenly, a voice called out to him, "Hey, Nagi, school is starting already. You might want to just use some body spray instead. Remember the last time you were late?"

Nagi turned towards the direction of the voice and responded in his typical monotone voice, "No, it's alright. Besides, I don't like the sticky feeling of sweat. It's uncomfortable."

The boy hummed in response and nodded before closing his locker and heading off to class, leaving Nagi standing there alone. Nagi tilted his head and wore a confused expression as he thought, 'Who was he again?'

Forgetting about it, Nagi went off to the showers.



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