Takagi Estate - Calm Before...

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"Who is Nagi? I would like to know about your journey with the boy until now," Souichiro inquired with a serious expression. Somewhat guarded, Saeko cryptically asked, "May I ask why, Don Takagi?"

"You don't have to be so guarded, Busujima. I'm not planning on doing anything to the boy. It's clear to me that you trust him, however, I'm skeptical," Souichiro admitted. "Nagi is abnormal. From what I've heard from Yuriko, he is above average in intelligence and quick-witted."

"During the confrontation between him and my retainer, instead of surrendering to a man holding a blade to his throat, he retaliated and humiliated him in my presence. People just can't do that, especially a kid," Souichiro emphasized, pointing out the peculiarity.

"I'd understand if it was someone like you, who has been trained and is renowned for your abilities with the sword, but the fact that I haven't heard of Nagi is strange considering his abilities."

Saeko remained silent, acknowledging that Souichiro was right. While she had asked about Nagi's past in the past, there was never enough time for him to elaborate on it, and as such, it remained unknown to her and the group.

Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door, and a voice said, "Sorry for interrupting, Master Takagi, but your presence is needed in the office room."

Nodding to himself, Souichiro stood from his spot and responded, "I'll be there soon." Acknowledging Souichiro's response, he walked off to the office room. As Souichiro turned to Saeko, he said, "It would seem that our conversation will end here, Busujima."

"And although we couldn't fully discuss what was at hand, I handed you what I needed," he commented, pointing at the katana in front of her. "However, before I go, I want you to tell me Nagi's last name."

"His last name?" Saeko questioned, making sure she heard correctly. What could Souichiro possibly want with that information? It was a peculiar request, and she wanted to understand his intentions before providing an answer.

"When I asked him to introduce himself to me, he referred to himself as Nagi. Not only to me but also to Yuriko. I want to know, was it intentional? Or did he simply request us to call him that out of comfort? In the end, I suppose you could say I'm curious," Souichiro explained, his voice still serious and contemplative.

"Well, his full name is Tōshiro Nagi, if that helps," Saeko informed him as she stood up, retrieving the katana from the floor. She then proceeded to the door, sliding it open to leave. Giving a slight bow, Saeko exited the room, leaving Souichiro alone. He, too, made his way to his destination, his thoughts filled with contemplation and realization.

'So Nagi is the child of the Tōshiro family,' Souichiro thought with intrigue. The Tōshiro family was similar to the Takagis in aspects of being involved in politics and a multitude of business aspects and cooperations.

The family wasn't particularly well-known due to relatively keeping to themselves despite their advancements and wealth in business. However, what Souichiro found most unusual was the lack of appearances of Nagi.

Whether that be in the news, the family itself, or grandeur parties, he was never established as the Tōshiro family heir and son. Moreover, rumors circulating about this peculiarity mentioned the boy being sent to America to further his studies, yet here he was in Tokonosu City.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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