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As the bus raced to the city, the students and their teacher found temporary respite in their seats, their adrenaline slowly subsiding. Occupying the front of the bus were Takashi's group, with Nagi positioned next to Shizuka, providing her assistance in navigating the treacherous roads. Though some decided to complain about this decision.

"As I've been saying, it's dangerous to drive like this!" a boy with blonde hair exclaimed, his frustration evident in his voice. "That was too close!" However, the rest of the group remained silent, their lack of response only adding to the tense atmosphere inside the bus. Shizuka, growing increasingly annoyed, felt her brow twitch and sharpen as the boy continued his outburst.

"Why do we have to be with you guys? You all decided on where to go without considering us. Wouldn't it have been better to find someplace to hide, like the dorms or the school?"

"Tsunoda's right," chimed in a scrawny boy. "We're only putting ourselves in more danger by driving like this. We should stop somewhere. There was a convenience store just a little ways back."

"Can't you drive any slower?! I almost—"

Suddenly slamming on the brakes, Shizuka's abrupt stop caused Tsunoda to almost lose his balance, having been standing during his argument. Unfastening her seatbelt, Shizuka turned around, fixing a stern glare on the arguing boys. "That's enough! Lay off me! I've never driven one of these before, and I can't concentrate with you guys arguing back there!"

Nagi, sitting calmly beside Shizuka, maintained his blank gaze as Tsunoda directed his irritation toward him. Pointing his finger, Tsunoda lashed out, demanding, "What's with you? What the fuck are you looking at?"

"I'm observing the idiots who failed to provide a valid argument in this situation. If you genuinely felt that way, why did you choose to board the bus?" Nagi asked in exasperation before continuing.

"You could have opted to stay at the school, infested with zombies, and waited for help. In fact, you should be grateful that some of us showed consideration and kindness by waiting for you to join us. So, there is no reason for you to act in such a manner," he explained before gazing at the rest. "Of course, this goes for the rest of you as well."

Gritting his teeth in anger, a vein bulging on his forehead, Tsunoda glared fiercely at Nagi. "You little bitch!" he growled, his fist clenched and poised to strike.

However, before he could act upon his aggression, Rei swiftly intervened, swinging her makeshift spear and landing a powerful blow to his solar plexus. Tsunoda crumpled to the ground, coughing up saliva, his grip on his stomach tightened in agony.

The sight elicited winces from the onlookers as they listened to his pained coughs and witnessed him huddled over, clutching his stomach. The scrawny kid retreated into his seat, clearly intimidated by the turn of events.

Takashi's group appeared taken aback, while Saeko maintained her usual neutral expression. Nagi observed the scene with his customary blank face, though it would be dishonest to deny his surprise at Rei's decisive action.

To Nagi, there was no need to further escalate the irritating situation. He would have simply restrained Tsunoda and put him in his place. "Miya—" he began to speak, but his voice was interrupted.

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