Final Stand

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"It's them!" Kohta's voice rang out, jolting the group into alertness. "Distance: 300 meters," he announced, his gaze fixed on the approaching undead through the binoculars.

"Go to the right," Saya directed Shizuka, hoping to evade the approaching undead. Yet their efforts were in vain, as an even larger horde emerged from that direction as well. "They're here too!" Shizuka exclaimed, her voice tinged with alarm.

"Then turn left there!" Saya commanded, her finger pointing towards the nearest intersection. Without hesitation, Shizuka swiftly maneuvered the Humvee around the corner, accelerating away from the perilous area.

"What's going on?" Takashi questioned in a state of confusion. "The closer we get, the more of them there are." Nagi shared the same sentiment, finding the concentrated presence of zombies in nearby areas peculiar.

He speculated that the barrier had been drawn back, leaving the important sections of the city protected while the vicinity of the bridge became a hunting ground for the undead.

This theory aligned with Saya's father's position as a politician and the leader of the ultra-nationalist organization in the Tokonosu prefectures. It wouldn't be far-fetched to assume that the Takagi Mansion had been transformed into a survivor camp, given its strategic location and ample space.

A massive horde loomed ahead, leaving them trapped with no viable means of escape, Saya's command rang out with authority, "Just keep going, don't stop!"

Navigating through the sea of undead, Shizuka pressed harder on the gas pedal, propelling the Humvee forward with a surge of power.

The vehicle surged through the horde, its tires colliding with the bodies of the zombies, sending them flying into the air, their bones shattering upon impact with the unforgiving pavement.

"Stop the car! Stop the car!" Rei's panicked shouts echoed through the vehicle. Rising from his seat, Nagi leaned over Saya's seat and caught sight of the wire barricade looming in the near distance.

His eyes widened with urgency as he swiftly advised, "There's a wire barricade ahead. Turn the car to the side."

Following his instructions, the Humvee veered into a drift, its path altered just in time. The result was a gruesome spectacle as the onrushing zombies collided with the wire barrier.

The vehicle's kinetic energy and weight tore through their bodies, severing limbs and causing grotesque dismemberment. Heads went flying, arms were torn asunder, and the window became a canvas of splattered undead blood.

Reacting swiftly to the impending gore, Kohta shielded Alice from the gruesome sight, using his forearms as a protective barrier. "Don't look!" he commanded, his voice firm and resolute.

"We're sliding too much!" Shizuka exclaimed in a state of panic as she struggled to free the Humvee from the entangled wires. "Stop! Why won't it stop?"

"It's the blood and guts from the zombies," Saya explained, her voice filled with a sense of urgency. And indeed, she was correct. The relentless skidding of the tires over the blood-soaked ground, coupled with the vehicle being caught in the wire barricade, rendered it immobile.

"The tires are locked!" Kohta exclaimed, providing crucial information. "Release the brakes and apply gentle acceleration!" Acting swiftly, Shizuka disengaged the brakes and pressed the gas pedal slightly.

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