Lost Path

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As Nagi and Saeko made their way through the city, they heard Saya's voice calling out, "COME TO MY HOUSE BY THE HILL!" Taking note of Saya's words, they continued their journey, sprinting up the road hill.

However, their progress was halted as they reached the intersection leading to Takagi Mansion, where a horde of undead awaited them.

Letting out a sigh, Nagi turned to Saeko, stepping back from his vantage point around the corner. He calmly spoke, "We won't be able to reach the second block from here. Let's backtrack to where we came from."

"There were no zombies in that area, and if my memory serves me right, there was a motorcycle shop. We can use it to get out of here before nightfall. However, if things go awry, we'll have no choice but to find shelter for the night."

"There's a shrine nearby that I used to visit occasionally," Saeko suggested as they made their way back toward the motorcycle shop. "If we have no other option but to spend the night out here, it should provide a safe refuge as long as we remain quiet. It's situated on top of a hill."

Nagi nodded in agreement with Saeko's suggestion as they arrived at the establishment. With a blade in hand, he cautiously entered, carefully scanning the surroundings to ensure there were no threats.

Satisfied that it was clear, he signaled Saeko to join him and sheathed his blade. "While I search for a vehicle, grab anything you think we may need," he requested stoically.

Smiling, Saeko responded, "I can do that. However, there isn't much to take from here. The leather jackets may provide some protection, but they would restrict my movements. However, I think this could be useful."

Turning on the lights in the room she had entered, Nagi grabbed the small bag he had stuffed with tape and clothing before walking over to join her, examining what Saeko was recommending.

Noticing the manual beside it, Nagi skimmed through its contents before commenting, "This is quite nice. Although it may lack in terms of defense, it seems to be highly versatile."

It was an eight-wheeled, all-terrain vehicle designed for resilience and versatility. The vehicle was capable of traversing various types of terrain, including rough terrains, water bodies, mud, and snow.

It was a prototype ATV designed for the use of the Japanese Military and possessed electronic parts that were resilient to an EMP blast, unbeknownst to Nagi and Saeko.

Climbing into the vehicle, Nagi extended his hand to Saeko, who gratefully grabbed it as Nagi gently helped her into the ATV. Turning on the vehicle and pressing the button to open the garage door, Nagi stepped on the gas as they made their way back towards the bridge.


It didn't take long for them to reach the road leading to the bridge. Cars were mangled, crashed into each other and the guardrails, with blood splattered across the pavement. A few undead creatures roamed the streets, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Maneuvering past the horde, Nagi accelerated, swiftly moving past them and heading towards the bridge and river. Saeko, observing from the back, couldn't help but inquire, "I don't suppose you have a plan. Mind sharing it with me?"

Glancing at her, Nagi responded in his usual monotone, "Contrary to what you may think, there is no plan to share. I'm drawing a blank here. Our only objective at the moment is to reach the shrine you mentioned."

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