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The air filled with the sound of rustling as the group hastily gathered their belongings, preparing for the daunting task of escaping the confines of the school. Nagi, maintaining his characteristic stoicness, calmly observed the flurry of activity around him as he too retrieved his own essentials.

Nagi swiftly gathered his essentials and equipped himself with his quiver of arrows, securing it around his torso. He fastened his bow within easy reach and slipped his knife into his pants buckle hole, keeping it concealed yet accessible. With his cleaver firmly in hand, he observed the others in the room as they finished their preparations.

"Are you guys ready?" Nagi asked, getting a nod in response to his question. He continued, "The quickest way to get to the parking lot out of here is through the front entrance. If you don't have any questions, let's get moving on."

Eliminating the nearby zombies that had been lured by the blaring noise of the televisions, they pressed on, moving swiftly along the corridor towards the exit. Finally, they arrived at the staircase, which would lead them down to the main hall.


Upon hearing a sudden shriek piercing through the halls, the group swiftly rushed towards the source of the sound. As they approached, they saw a group of students fighting off a small horde of undead creatures.

Choosing to remain an observer, Nagi watched the scene before him, while the rest sprang into action to save them. With the horde swiftly dispatched, a visible sense of relief washed over the group of students, and they began to relax.

However, Saeko quickly interjected, interrupting their gratitude. "Don't speak so loudly," she cautioned. "Were any of you bitten?"

In a panic, they shook their heads vigorously, denying any contact with the infected. Nagi's gaze narrowed slightly at their panicked reactions, but he remained silent, simply observing.

It was Rei who, in her naivety, offered an invitation, saying, "They all look fine. We're planning to escape the school. Would any of you like to join us?"

"Yes!" they all exclaimed, their faces filled with newfound hope as they saw a chance to escape the school. Observing their reactions, Nagi couldn't help but deduce three important facts. First, there were still students hiding somewhere within the school.

Second, the group he was currently with was exceptional. Their collective skills and abilities covered a wide range of situations, and they displayed a level of composure uncommon among their peers.

And finally, Nagi's own group was, in his assessment, somewhat naive and overly trusting. If they continued on that path, they would inevitably be taken advantage of. However, there were a few exceptions, namely Saeko, Kohta, and Saya.

Leading the way, Nagi descended the stairs, with Saya trailing closely behind. As they reached the lower level, they cautiously peered over the wall, surveying the lobby below. The number of zombies congregating there was far greater than on the upper floors, their presence multiplied threefold.

And that didn't even account for the ones lurking outside on the streets. It was evident that those who had recklessly rushed down at the start had met their demise in this very area. Bringing the info back to the group they plotted their next move.

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