Parting Words

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Exhaling deeply, Nagi released his grip on the shotgun and settled himself onto the ground, allowing his weary body a moment of respite. Recent information had been relayed to him, and he needed to carefully contemplate his next course of action.

The imminent threat of an approaching swarm loomed large, comprising the very inhabitants of the city itself. It was abundantly clear that confronting such a massive force would require an arsenal of explosives, formidable protection, and a substantial stockpile of ammunition.

However, Nagi had no intention of engaging in such a futile endeavor. Opting to proceed towards Onbetsu Bridge, Nagi acknowledged that, despite emerging from the confrontation relatively unharmed in comparison to his adversaries, he was still nursing injuries and fatigue from the ordeal.

Presently, being left alone was not a viable option for him. He lacked the necessary provisions to sustain himself independently, including a secure shelter, weapons, firearms, sustenance, clean water, medicinal supplies, and a secluded haven away from potential encounters with other survivors.

Content with his current strategy, Nagi stood up and leaned over the railing. As anticipated, although not as massive as the impending horde, the group below was still considerably sizable. Merely creating noise wouldn't suffice to manipulate or divert their attention.

Deep in contemplation, Nagi conceived a perilous plan. It was a venture fraught with danger, with the stakes being nothing less than his own life. Yet, he found himself devoid of alternatives.

The encroaching horde had enveloped the construction site from all directions, leaving him no choice but to act swiftly if he desired to escape the city and evade their relentless pursuit. Time was of the essence.

After carefully searching the bodies, Nagi retrieved the keys from the Oni man's possession. Securing his blades back into their sheaths, Nagi relinquished his bow, acknowledging its service in the early days of the apocalypse but recognizing its inevitable demise.

The bow had succumbed to wear and tear, its strings frayed beyond repair, and his supply of arrows had been depleted long ago. The arrows had lost their sharpness, rendering them incapable of fully piercing the skulls of the zombies.

It was time to part ways with the weapon that had once been his reliable companion.

Placing his quiver and bow side by side, Nagi reverently clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, paying his respects before leaving them behind. Descending to the first floor, Nagi encountered a couple of zombies aimlessly wandering in the darkness, their silhouettes barely discernible.

Unsheathing his blades, Nagi deftly wielded them in both hands as he proceeded with caution, silently navigating through the group of zombies. His eyes surveyed the surroundings until he spotted his target—a solitary zombie stationed near the entrance of the building.

Creeping up soundlessly from behind, Nagi executed a swift and precise stab to the zombie's head, swiftly ending its undead existence. With a firm grip, he carefully lowered the lifeless body to the floor, ensuring it made no noise upon impact.

"This is going to stink," Nagi muttered in relunctantance. Stabbing his blade into the zombies' captivity, he slashed open his guts revealing its organs and blood.

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