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~1 Hour Later~

Suddenly, the blaring sound of the fire alarm echoed through the halls of the school. Nagi jolted awake, the adrenaline from his recent encounter still pumping through his veins. He looked around, still disoriented, before realizing the source of the noise.

Yawning in a lazy manner, he got up from the couch and walked towards the door, his cleaver still in hand. Upon opening the door, the sound of the alarm grew louder, and Nagi noticed that there was no sight or smell of smoke.

The zombies had already cleared out of the area, leaving behind only lifeless corpses and blood stains that desecrated the empty halls. Nagi closed the door and stretched before entering the bathroom to wash his hands and face.

He rummaged through the food bag, grabbing a granola bar and some grapes to snack on. Looking out the window, he noticed the sun had set, and he had no intention of staying in a zombie-infested school for the night. As he surveyed the outside, he spotted a trail of running water coming from the building's rooftop.

"Someone must be up there," Nagi thought, popping a grape in his mouth. "There's an emergency fire hose in the storage room. It's likely they're using it to either gain attention or push the horde back."

Returning to the couch, Nagi sat down and concentrated, listening intently for any sign of human activity in the vicinity. After a few moments of silence, he heard a muffled sound coming from a distance.

Nagi paused, his ears perked up, trying to identify the source of the noise. A few moments later, he heard it again: a dull "thud" that echoed through the quiet school. Opening his full eyes, he stuffed the rest of the grapes in his mouth like a chipmunk and prepared his gear.

"If I'm correct, then that weapon could possibly be a high-quality makeshift gun. The sound it makes resembles that of a staple gun, and if someone is using it repeatedly to kill zombies, they must be talented in using weapons and are not scared of killing off the undead," Nagi thought to himself.

However, he sighed at the thought of having to interact with another person, muttering to himself, "Though, talking to people is a pain sometimes." After finishing his food, he strapped his quiver over his back and picked up his bow.

Unfortunately, he had failed to retrieve all of his arrows, so he only had twelve left from the original twenty he had procured at the beginning of the apocalypse. Nagi also grabbed his blade and cleaver, slipping the blade through his belt loops and holding the cleaver in his right hand, while keeping his bow hung around his torso.

After stashing his food bag under the tables, Nagi covered it up with numerous rolling chairs and a blanket he found lying around the room. Once satisfied with his handiwork, he carefully opened the door and peered outside.

Observing nothing but the lifeless corpses, severed limbs, and bloodstains, Nagi exited the room and shut the door behind him. He then proceeded towards the noise he had heard earlier, which seemed to be coming from a location only two or three corridors down the hall - likely close to the faculty room.

As he made his way towards the source of the noise, Nagi pondered how he should handle the situation once he arrived. Should he put on a smile and be optimistic, or perhaps cry in joy? He quickly dismissed these thoughts, realizing that his only motivation for seeking out the person was pure curiosity.

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