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"They're growing louder," Kohta remarked, catching Nagi's attention. Nagi inspected the weapon that Kohta had suggested, his eyes gleaming with interest. While it wasn't his trusty bow, it came close enough, and a surge of excitement coursed through him at the thought of wielding it.

Waving his hand dismissively, Nagi replied, "No need to worry about them for now. Instead, Kohta, could you show me how this works? Since my bow broke before I joined you all at the bridge, I had to leave it behind."

Nagi held the Barnett Wildcat C5 crossbow, a weapon that hadn't been explicitly depicted in their canon, but its potential utility remained unknown to the group.

Kohta nodded, his face lighting up with enthusiasm as he stepped closer to Nagi. He took the crossbow from Nagi's hands and held it up, giving it a brief inspection.

"Alright, Nagi, let me show you how this works," Kohta began, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and expertise. "First, let me explain the basic parts of the crossbow."

He pointed to different components as he spoke. "This here is the stock. It's what you hold against your shoulder for stability. And this is the riser. It connects the stock to the limbs."

Nagi followed Kohta's explanations, his gaze focused on the crossbow, absorbing every detail. He was eager to learn and make the most of this new weapon.

Kohta continued, "The limbs are the flexible parts of the crossbow. They store the energy and propel the bolt forward. And at the end of the limbs, you have the prod, which is a crucial part for drawing the string."

Nagi nodded, his eyes darting from one component to another. "I see. It seems similar to my bow but with some key differences."

"Exactly," Kohta confirmed with a smile. "Now, let's talk about loading and shooting. To load the crossbow, you'll need to place a bolt onto the barrel, like this." He took a bolt from the quiver and carefully inserted it into the barrel of the crossbow.

"Make sure it's aligned properly, and then pull back the string, called the cocking process. You can use the stirrup at the front to help you cock the string."

Nagi watched attentively as Kohta demonstrated the loading process. He noted the careful alignment and the use of the stirrup to ensure a smooth cocking motion.

"Once the string is cocked," Kohta continued, "you'll see this small lever on the side, called the safety latch. Push it forward to engage the safety mechanism and prevent accidental firing. Now, you're ready to shoot."

Kohta, raising the crossbow, carefully took aim at an imaginary target. Positioning himself with a steady stance, he ensured proper alignment.

"To shoot, one simply aims at the target, takes a deep breath, and gently squeezes the trigger," he explained.

Handing the weapon back to Nagi, Kohta watched as Nagi took hold of it and set it on the dresser with a firm yet controlled grip. "Thanks for showcasing and explaining its functions. You would make a great instructor," Nagi complimented.

Scratching the back of his head sheepishly, Kohta thanked Nagi for his comment and resumed filling the magazines with bullets.

Leaving him be, Nagi turned towards Takashi and asked, "Is there a remote in here? If so, turn on the TV. They might be showing something about the bridge."

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