Scum [2]

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With his bow at the ready, Nagi released the arrow, its whistle piercing through the air as it aimed for the supposed leader of the group. Caught off guard, the man failed to dodge in time, the arrow piercing his shoulder. He yanked it out, snapping it with a crazed glare directed at Nagi's location.

"Everyone split up! Change of plans. We're going to torture that little fucker!" he declared, charging toward the building with his shotgun raised. Reacting swiftly, Nagi dashed to the other side of the building, leaping off and landing on top of a dumpster.

Rolling off smoothly, he quickly made his way toward a nearby building where a small group of zombies lurked. However, it would prove to be futile in due time, given the angered yell emitted by the man and the ensuing fight that was about to erupt, worrying about the number of zombies around him would be worthless.

"Stop running, kid! You're only prolonging your inevitable death!" the apron man shouted, his voice echoing through the corridors of the library building as he followed Nagi through the broken window.

Blood splatters marred the walls, painting grotesque patterns across the shelves and books. Lifeless bodies littered the floor, a macabre mix of librarians, students, and now reanimated corpses. The undead wandered aimlessly between the bookshelves, their rotten flesh oozing and decaying.

Amidst the chaos, Nagi's focus shifted to the teetering bookshelves, precariously positioned as if a single touch could send them crashing down. These makeshift barricades served as temporary obstacles, momentarily trapping the relentless undead, buying him precious seconds of respite.

Equipping his knife from behind his back, Nagi swiftly took cover within one of the book sections, his senses attuned to the slightest sound. Uncertain whether his adversary was armed, he remained vigilant. The current situation presented a one-on-one scenario, but that balance could easily tip in any direction.

Taking one of the tablespoons he had acquired from the school cafeteria, he hurled it across the room, exploiting the dim darkness to conceal his actions and attract both the undead and, ideally, his enemy.

As the spoon struck the bookshelf, a muffled thud resonated through the air, echoing in the silence of the library. The sound reverberated, catching the attention of the lurking undead. Moans and groans erupted, their eerie chorus growing louder with each step as the zombies mindlessly gravitated toward the source of the disturbance.

The man's laughter echoed through the air as he mercilessly swung his weapon at the encroaching zombies. "Kuhaha, the little bastard couldn't stay put. Once I'm done with these creatures, you're next!" his voice rang out, as he continued his brutal onslaught.

Nagi observed the man's actions with a perplexed expression, his mind working to decipher the motive behind such a brash display. Why did he choose to draw attention by yelling and engaging the zombies instead of silently slipping away to continue his search? As the pieces fell into place, Nagi's realization was clear.

'It appears that some individuals remain unaware of these vulnerabilities. This man's lack of knowledge suggests that his companions are likely in the same position. I must remain vigilant, prepared for any unforeseen circumstances,' Nagi silently contemplated, swiftly blending into the shadows of the building and creeping up to the man.

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