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~Inside The Faculty Room~

As they entered the faculty room, Saya excused herself to the washroom to clean up, while the others took a moment to rest on the chairs and couch, their exhaustion evident. Taking advantage of the brief respite, Takashi decided to strike up a conversation.

"You never introduced yourself earlier. What's your name?" he asked curiously.

"Nagi. Toshirō Nagi. You can just call me by my first name if you'd like," Nagi replied calmly. He reached under the table and retrieved a bag of food, placing it on the table. With a swift unzip, he grabbed a couple of granola bars and tossed them to each of the group members. "Here."

Kohta fumbled to catch his granola bar, but his face lit up with joy as he hungrily unwrapped it and began to eat. The others followed suit, satisfying their hunger. Once Kohta had finished his snack, he eagerly inquired, "Where did you find this? Is there more?"

"In the cafeteria. And yes, there's more, but we need to ration it," Nagi replied. "There's only a small amount here, and it needs to last us at least three days or until we reach the city."

"The cafeteria?!" Saya exclaimed with a touch of disbelief, having overheard the conversation as she emerged from the washroom. Nagi tossed her a granola bar, which she caught while readjusting her glasses. "You're telling us that you went all the way to the cafeteria, gathered all this food, and made it back here to the faculty room without any trouble?"

Nagi simply nodded in confirmation. "Pretty much. I don't see what the fuss is about. They're just zombies, after all. As long as you outsmart them, you'll be fine."

With that, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, hoping to gain some insight into the situation outside. While he knew that similar chaos was unfolding out there, the scale of it might differ due to the larger population in the city compared to the school.

However, the news they witnessed painted a grim picture. The entire world had descended into chaos and anarchy. Streets were overrun by the walking dead, and humans seemed to aid in the annihilation of their own kind. Desperation had driven countries to contemplate resorting to nuclear strikes on densely populated cities as a last-ditch effort.

Footage from various cities around the world showcased the grim reality of the zombie apocalypse.

In Tokyo, the once-bustling streets were now overrun with hordes of the undead. Buildings stood in ruins, smoke billowing from the wreckage. Survivors, if any, were few and far between, desperately trying to fend off the relentless onslaught of the infected.

"We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. We apologize for the inconvenience. Going forward, our broadcast will originate from the central Security Office, which has become the designated hub of information."

"The government requests that all citizens remain indoors and, if possible, stay within their homes. It is advised to close all windows and seal off any potential entranceways."

"The ongoing evacuation efforts have faced significant challenges, and therefore, it is strongly advised not to allow others into your homes. These measures have been implemented due to the prevailing threat posed by the ongoing crisis."

The somber voice on the broadcast relayed the urgent message, highlighting the severity of the situation. It was clear that the authorities were struggling to maintain control and ensure the safety of the populace.

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