A Close Call

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Nagi stood in contemplation as he surveyed the swarm of the undead blocking the main entrance and first floor of the main building. It was a problem that needed to be addressed, but attempting to control such a large herd without proper protection was suicidal.

He weighed his options and came to a decision. He couldn't take on the zombies head-on, so he opted for the next best thing. Going around the back of the main building, he spotted an open window from the second floor.

The height wasn't insurmountable, but with the extra weight he was carrying, the climb would be dangerous. The consequences of a fall would be severe - death, or at least serious injury. Despite the risks, he decided that going through the window was the only option.

"There's only one way left to go, and that's up," Nagi murmured to himself. Placing the food bag on the ground, he set down his bow, kitchen knives, and cleaver beside it, then began stretching.

The safest way to proceed was to carry his belongings up one by one. Though it was time-consuming, Nagi preferred to stay alive rather than risk becoming meat-paste.

After finishing his stretches, Nagi grabbed the food bag and a kitchen knife before making his way up the wall. The climb was relatively easy, as the wall held crevices and dents that offered good grip and footing.

Within a few moments, he reached the second floor and peered inside to make sure it was safe. Satisfied that there was nothing and no one there, he placed the bag inside and climbed back down to retrieve the rest of his items.





Nagi's feet landed softly on the ground as he climbed through the open window. He quickly picked up his designated "Food Bag" and silently made his way through the empty corridor.

This area was typically deserted, housing only the unpopular extracurricular activities. However, it seemed to have attracted a new crowd of visitors. If you consider the undead corpses shuffling around, that is.

Nagi sighed as he thought, 'A total of seventeen, huh?' He was growing weary of the endless killing, and the sticky blood coating his clothes made him long for a shower and a nap.

Without wasting any more time, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a spoon, flinging it towards a distant window with a loud thud. The clinking sound it made upon landing immediately caught the attention of the nearby undead.

He carefully navigated around the zombies and made his way down the hallway until he saw a sign that caught his attention. After thinking for a moment, he decided it was necessary to go there.

'The nurse's office, huh? Well, since medicine will be a crucial need in the future, I might as well get some now,' he thought to himself. Continuing his march, walked past the numerous bodies laid out in classrooms and the corridor.

Nagi surveyed the hallway and the empty outside world, pondering where the other survivors were hiding. Despite the small student body, the school shouldn't have been so devoid of life.

Looking out the window, the sun still shone high in the sky, but the air was filled with smoke rising from the direction of the city, confirming his suspicions that the same chaos was happening there as well.

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