Takagi Estate - Madam Takagi

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The mansion stood proudly atop a hill, surrounded by imposing walls and intricately designed iron gates. Its grandeur was enhanced by the meticulously maintained gardens, adorned with vibrant flowers and well-trimmed hedges.

The fusion of traditional Japanese and modern architectural styles resulted in a captivating facade.

Large windows, balconies, and a traditional Japanese-style rooftop added to the mansion's allure. On the balconies at the rear of the mansion, Kohta, Alice, and Zero sat in silence, their gaze fixated on the back gates.

Alice, her brows furrowed in confusion, questioned the choice of their location. "Why are we in the back?" she inquired, seeking clarification. Kohta, maintaining his unwavering focus on the gate, responded, "I have a feeling they would come through the back if they wanted to sneak in."

Zero's heightened senses detected a familiar scent in the vicinity, causing the canine to stand on its paws and unleash a series of barks.

Kohta and Alice, alerted by the commotion, directed their attention towards Zero and followed his gaze, discovering Nagi and Saeko approaching the gate. Their presence at the back entrance surprised both Kohta and Alice.

Positioned by the window, Saya's lips curled into a smile as she caught sight of Nagi and Saeko approaching.

However, a hint of unease flickered across her face as she noticed their proximity to each other. Resolute, Saya moved away from the window, striding towards the room door, and issuing a command with authority, "Open the gates!"

The gates smoothly slid open, granting Nagi a momentary respite. He relished the prospect of a longer period of rest, intending to make the most of it.

However, his contemplation was interrupted by the excited barking of Zeke, who energetically circled around Nagi and Saeko. Opening his eyes, Nagi's attention was drawn to Alice, who leaped towards them with a sense of relief and joy, seemingly hovering in the air.

Reacting swiftly, Nagi caught Alice in his embrace as she wrapped her arms around Saeko, who wore a gentle smile. Nagi stood there, momentarily unsure of how to respond, before yielding to the moment and returning the hug with one hand.

Meanwhile, Kohta approached with a grin on his face, extending a thumbs-up towards Nagi and Saeko to congratulate them on their arrival.

Acknowledging the gesture, Nagi gently placed Alice back onto the ground, allowing her and Saeko to engage in conversation. Meanwhile, Nagi approached Kohta and inquired, "Where are the others?"

"Takagi is having a conversation with her mom, and Takashi and Nurse Marikawa are attending to Rei's injuries. Rei took quite a beating from that fall, so she's not able to move much at the moment.," Kohta explained while Nagi nodded to show his understanding.

Feeling a small hand grasping his, Nagi looked down to find Alice smiling brightly. Her enthusiasm was evident as she exclaimed, "Let's return to the mansion! It's safe there. And, um, not to be rude, but you and Saeko... well, you both smell a bit."

Kohta's laughter filled the air as he found Alice's comment amusing, while Saeko blushed slightly, feeling a touch of embarrassment. Nagi, with his perpetually stoic expression, sighed and nodded in acknowledgment of Alice's observation. "Yes, you're right. Let's head to the mansion."

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