Scum [1]

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Walking along the dimly lit sidewalk, bathed in the eerie shadows of the night and illuminated by the pale moonlight above, Nagi casually consumed an apple. Not long ago, he had successfully eliminated the remaining group of zombies that had survived the explosion and those drawn to the chaotic scene.

However, the encounter had left him acutely aware of the need for new equipment, as his arrowheads, cleaver, and knife had grown dull and unreliable. Lamenting the absence of a vehicle to swiftly reach the city and replenish his arsenal, Nagi decided to seek out a secluded residence nearby.

It shouldn't prove too difficult to locate, considering that some students resided in their own homes rather than the school dormitories. It seemed reasonable to assume that at least a few of them would be within proximity, although he acknowledged the possibility of his deduction being flawed.

With only a day remaining to reach the bridge before being abandoned by the group, the weight of this realization settled upon Nagi. Did he truly need them in the first place? While he acknowledged that he lacked Saeko's prowess with bladed weapons or Shizuka's healing abilities, Nagi possessed exceptional physicality and versatility, coupled with his pragmatic and intelligent mindset.

Engrossed in his thoughts and considering his future plans, Nagi eventually reached a suitable place to spend the night. It was a Western-style house, featuring a second floor enclosed by a low concrete wall and a metal gate serving as its entrance.

Devoid of any automobiles, a red bike with a front basket leaned against the side of the house, silently waiting. Approaching the house, Nagi carefully surveyed its surroundings, checking for any signs of occupancy.

Finding nothing amiss—no shattered glass or damaged doorknob—he proceeded to the front door, attempting to open it, only to discover that it was locked. "Of course, it wouldn't be that easy," Nagi muttered under his breath.

As he pondered his next move, his eyes briefly fell upon a 'Welcome' mat beneath his feet. An idea flickered in his mind, even though he considered it foolish and clichéd. Nevertheless, he couldn't completely dismiss the possibility, as people could sometimes be remarkably foolish.

Stepping off the mat, Nagi crouched down and lifted it, revealing the hidden key beneath. "The foolishness of people astounds even me," Nagi mused quietly to himself. Securing the key in his grasp, he retrieved his cleaver from his pants, prepared for any potential threats.

With caution, Nagi inserted the key into the lock, turning it and unlocking the door. He entered the house slowly, his senses heightened, prepared to respond to any potential threat. Finding the house empty, he proceeded to place the food bag in the fridge, ensuring the blinds, windows, and door were securely closed and locked.

After thoroughly inspecting the rest of the house and finding no signs of danger, Nagi made his way to one of the upper floors and settled into the bed. Lying there, he gazed at the ceiling, his thoughts swirling in a cryptic tone, influenced by his exhaustion and encroaching drowsiness. "Go to the city using a bike, gather supplies, reunite with the group, and then..." And with that, he succumbed to slumber.





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